Wetenschappelijke publicaties onderwijs 2022
Jaarlijks verschijnen er vanuit het Expertisecentrum voor onderwijs en opleiding tientallen wetenschappelijke publicaties. Deze artikelen zijn in 2022 gepubliceerd.
- Approaching Training-Practice Gaps After the Transition : A Practice Proposal for Supervision After Training. ten Cate, Olle; Favier, Robert P. In: Frontiers in medicine, Vol. 9, 881274, 06.05.2022.
- ‘Undisciplining’ higher education without losing disciplines: furthering transformative potential for students. Vereijken, Mayke; Akkerman, Sanne F. ; te Pas, Susan F. et al. In: Higher Education Research & Development, 19.12.2022.
- The Implementation of Entrustable Professional Activities in Postgraduate Medical Education in the Netherlands : Rationale, Process, and Current Status. de Graaf, Jacqueline; Bolk, Marieke; Dijkstra, Auk et al. In: Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Vol. 96, No. 7S, 01.07.2021, p. S29-S35.
- Preliminary evidence for a Tool to Observe the Construction of Knowledge in Interprofessional teams (TOCK–IP). Carstensen Floren, Leslie; Louise Pittenger, Amy; ten Cate, Olle et al. In: Journal of interprofessional care, 2022.
- Professionals' adaptive expertise and adaptive performance in educational and workplace settings : an overview of reviews. Pelgrim, Els; Hissink, Elske; Kuijer-Siebelink, Wietske et al. In: Advances in Health Sciences Education, 22.11.2022, p. 1-19.
- Assessing social configurations in teacher learning groups the Dimensions of Social Learning Questionnaire. de Vreugd, Lars; Vrieling, Emmy. In: Journal of Education for Teaching, 03.11.2022.
- In pursuit of a better transition to selected residencies : a quasi-experimental evaluation of a final year of medical school dedicated to the acute care domain. Jonker, Gersten; Booij, Eveline; Vernooij, Jacqueline E.M. et al. In: BMC Medical Education, Vol. 22, No. 1, 807, 23.11.2022.
- Longitudinal Motor-Developmental Outcomes in Infants with a Critical Congenital Heart Defect. Sprong, Maaike C A; van Brussel, Marco; de Vries, Linda S et al. In: Children (Basel, Switzerland), Vol. 9, No. 4, 570, 16.04.2022, p. 1-16.
- Leerdoelen over kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie in de opleiding psychiatrie : een delphistudie. Deschamps, Peter; Roelofs, Susan; Klumpers, Ursula M.H. et al. In: Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, Vol. 64, No. 10 , 15.06.2022, p. 637-642.
- The generic skills learning systematic : Evaluating university students’ learning after complex problem-solving. van Ravenswaaij, Heleen; Bouwmeester, Rianne A.M.; van der Schaaf, Marieke F. et al. In: Frontiers in Education, Vol. 7, 1007361, 03.11.2022.
- Conscientiousness as a Predictor of the Gender Gap in Academic Achievement. Verbree, Anne-Roos; Hornstra, Lisette ; Maas, Lientje et al. In: Research in Higher Education, 16.08.2022.
- Developing a digital application for quality assurance of assessment programmes in higher education : This study aims to report the design, development and evaluation of a digital quality assurance application aimed at improving and ensuring the quality of assessment… Schellekens, Lonneke H.; van der Schaaf, Marieke F.; van der Vleuten, Cees P.M. et al. In: Emerald publishing, 29.11.2022.
- Once the best student always the best student? Predicting graduate study success using undergraduate academic indicators: Evidence from research masters’ programs in the Netherlands. / Kurysheva, Anastasia; Koning, Nivard; Fox, Christine et al. In: International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Vol. 30, No. 4, 12.2022, p. 579-595.
- Connecting academics’ disciplinary knowledge to their professional development as university teachers : a conceptual analysis of teacher expertise and teacher knowledge. van Dijk, Esther E.; Geertsema, Johan; van der Schaaf, Marieke F. et al. In: Higher Education, 2022.
- Factors that influence continuing professional development over a nursing career : A scoping review. Hakvoort, Lysette; Dikken, Jeroen; Cramer-Kruit, Jessica et al. In: ScienceDirect, Vol. 65, 103481, 11.2022, p. 1-8.
- Quality of life, psychosocial characteristics, and study skills affecting recruits' intention to quit Basic Military Training. Hof, Tineke; Zuidema, Pauline M.; Pennings, Helena J. M. In: Military Psychology, 30.09.2022.
- Describing and measuring leadership within school teams by applying a social network perspective.
de Jong, Angela; Brouwer, Jasperina; Lockhorst, Ditte, Kleijn de, Renske, Tartwijk van, Jan et al. In: international journal of educational research open, Vol. 3, 100116, 2022, p. 1-9. - Integration of Philosophy of Science in Biomedical Data Science Education to Foster Better Scientific Practice. Pieterman-Bos, Annelies; van Mil, Marc. In: Science & Education, 23.07.2022, p. 1-30.
- Admissions to Graduate Studies: Selection Methods for Life and Natural Sciences Masters’ Programs at a European Research University. Kurysheva, Anastasia. Utrecht University, 2022. 240 p.
- Making knowledge clips with patients : What learning mechanisms are triggered in medical students? Eijkelboom, M. C.L.(Charlotte); Kalee, M. (Melanie); de Kleijn, R. A.M.(Renske) et al. In: Patient Education and Counseling, Vol. 105, No. 10, 10.2022, p. 3096-3102.
- Potential and Unique Incremental Value of Signal Detection Theory Analyses in Higher Education: An Example from Selective Graduate Admissions. Kurysheva, Anastasia; van Ooijen-van der Linden, Linda; van der Smagt, Maarten et al. In: Frontiers in Education, Vol. 7, 906611, 20.10.2022, p. 1-12.
- Game-based learning has good chemistry with chemistry education : A three-level meta-analysis.
Hu, Yuanyuan; Gallagher, Timothy; Wouters, Pieter et al. In: Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 59, No. 9, 11.2022, p. 1499-1543. - Towards a conceptual framework of adaptivity in face-to-face-interaction : an interdisciplinary review of adaptivity concepts. van de Pol, Janneke; van Braak, Marije; Pennings, Helena J.M. et al. In: Annals of the International Communication Association, 2022.
- Entrepreneurial literacy and skills. Baggen, Yvette; Kaffka, Gabi. Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, 2022. 87 p.
- Medication self-management : Considerations and decisions by older people living at home.
Dijkstra, Nienke E; Sino, Carolien G M; Schuurmans, Marieke J et al. In: Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Vol. 18, No. 3, 03.2022, p. 2410-2423. - The logic behind entrustable professional activity frameworks : A scoping review of the literature. Hennus, Marije P.; van Dam, Marjel; Gauthier, Stephen et al. In: Medical Education, Vol. 56, No. 9, 09.2022, p. 881-891.
- A global perspective on training and education in child and adolescent psychiatry.
Deschamps, PKH; Hansen, Anne Sofie; Jacobs, Brian et al. JM Rey’s IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, 2022. p. 1-31. - Time to reflect: How has COVID-19 transformed you? A commentary. Jansen, Renée. In: Medical Education, Vol. 56, No. 8, 08.2022, p. 782-784.
- Re-viewing performance : Showing eye-tracking data as feedback to improve performance monitoring in a complex visual task. Kok, Ellen; Hormann, Olle; Rou, Jeroen et al. In: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol. 38, No. 4, 08.2022, p. 1087-1101.
- The development of research supervisors’ pedagogical content knowledge in a lesson study project. Agricola, Bas T.; van der Schaaf, Marieke F.; Prins, Frans J. et al. In: Educational Action Research, Vol. 30, No. 2, 15.03.2022, p. 261-280.
- Developing entrustable professional activities for university teachers in the health professions.
van Bruggen-Taverne, Lisette; van Dijk, Esther; van der Schaaf, Marieke et al. In: Medical Teacher, Vol. 44, No. 4, 03.04.2022, p. 425-432. - Connecting Biochemistry Knowledge to Patient Care in the Clinical Workplace : Senior Medical Students’ Perceptions about Facilitators and Barriers. Fulton, Tracy B.; Collins, Sally; van der Schaaf, Marieke et al. In: Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 07.07.2022, p. 1-13.
- The Ethics of Health Professions Education Research : Protecting the Integrity of Science, Research Subjects, and Authorship. Ten Cate, Olle. In: Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Vol. 97, No. 1, 01.2022, p. 13-17.
- Support for using a three-dimensional anatomy application over anatomical atlases in a randomized comparison. Zilverschoon, Marijn; Custers, Eugene J.; ten Cate, Olle et al. In: Anatomical Sciences Education, Vol. 15, No. 1, 01.01.2022, p. 178-186.