
Academic publications education 2020

Many scientific publications are published every year by our Expertise Center. These articles have been published in 2020.

  • Postmes L, Tammer F, Posthumus I, Wijnen-Meijer M, van der Schaaf M & ten Cate O. EPA-based assessment: Clinical teachers’ challenges when transitioning to a prospective entrustment-supervision scale. Medical Teacher 2020
  • Bovenschen N, Dictus W, Prakken B. Towards Bachelor Research Hub networks to foster transdisciplinary challenge-based education in Translational Medicine.
  • ten Cate O, Taylor D. The recommended description of an entrustable professional activity, AMEE Guide 140. Medical Teacher 2020, Early online.
  • Pool I, ten Cate O. Begeleiden en bekwaam verklaren met Entrustable professional activities (EPA’s). Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg 2020;(6)16-20
  • ten Cate O, Carraccio C, Damodaran A, Gofton W, Hamstra S, Hart D, Richardson D, Ross S, Schultz K, Whelan A, Warm E, Schumacher D. Entrustment Decision Making: Extending Miller’s Pyramid. Academic Medicine 2020, Early Online.
  • van Dijk E, van Tartwijk J, van der Schaaf MF, Kluijtmans M. What makes an expert university teacher? A systematic review and synthesis of frameworks for teacher expertise in higher education. Educational Research Review 2020. Early online
  • Agricola BT, van der Schaaf MF, Prins FJ, van Tartwijk J. The development of research supervisors’ pedagogical content knowledge in a lesson study project. Educational Action Research 2020.
  • van Montfort D, Kok E, Vincken K, van der Schaaf M, van der Gijp A, Ravesloot C, Rutgers D. Expertise development in volumetric image interpretation of radiology residents: what do longitudinal scroll data reveal? Advances in Health Sciences Education Theory and Practice 2020. Early online
  • ten Cate O, Chen, HC. The ingredients of a rich entrustment decision. Medical Teacher 2020 Early Online
  • Van den Broek S, Tielemans C, ten Cate O, Kruitwagen C, Westerveld T. Professional and interprofessional group identities of final year medical and nursing students. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice 2020. Early Online
  • Van Enk A, ten Cate O. "Languaging" tacit judgment in formal assessment: Some thoughts on documenting ad hoc and summative entrustment decisions. Perspectives on Medical Education 2020. Early Online.
  • Floren, LC, Irby DM, ten Cate O, O'Brien BC. Exploring knowledge construction in interprofessional education using an Interaction Analysis Model. Journal of Interprofessioal Care 2020. Early Online
  • Torotcoi S, Gologan D, Kurysheva A. What Works for Underrepresented Groups? Identifying Effective Measures for Enhancing Access to Higher Education in Europe. Working Papers on University Reform no. 32
  • Pacifico JL, Donkers J, Jacobs J, van der Vleuten C, Heeneman S. Understanding teaching and learning conceptions among clinical faculty as a means to improve postgraduate training. Int J Med Educ 2020. 
  • Van der Schaaf, M, Schuurmans, M, van Tartwijk, J. De roep om adaptieve professionals. Werken en ontwikkelen in tijden van onzekerheid en snelle verandering. Opleiding en Ontwikkeling tijdschrift voor HRD 2020, 33(3), 8-13
  • Jonker G, Ochtman A, Marty A, Kalkman CJ, ten Cate O, Hoff RG. Would you trust your loved ones to this resident? Certification decisions in postgraduate anesthesiology training. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2020, Early Online
  • Querido S, Wigersma L, ten Cate O. Traveling by winding roads or highways; stability of medical students’ specialty preferences over time. Medical Teacher 2020. Early online
  • Chang Chan AYC, ten Cate O, Wammes E, Custers E, van Leeuwen MS; Bleys R. Comparing Medical Student Interest In Gross Anatomy Learning and Teaching Across Different Cultures. Journal of Medical Education and Training 2020; 4:050
  • Floren, LC, Irby DM, ten Cate O, O’Brien BC. Exploring knowledge construction in interprofessional education using an Interaction Analysis Model. Journal of Interprofessioal Care 2020. Early Online
  • Taylor D, Park YS, Smith C, ten Cate O, Tekian A. Constructing approaches to entrustable professional activity development that deliver valid descriptions of professional practice. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2020. Early online 
  • Dekker PM, Bolk M, ten Cate ThJ, Dahmen R. De Entrustment-based Discussion. Ned Tijdschr Revalidatie Geneesk  2020; Juni: 30-33.
  • van Dam M, Ramani S, ten Cate O. Breathing life into bedside teaching in the era of COVID-19. Medical Teacher 2020 Early Online
  • Voogt JJ, Kars MC, van Rensen ELJ, Schneider MME, Noordegraaf M, van der Schaaf MF. Why Medical Residents Do (and Don't) Speak Up About Organizational Barriers and Opportunities to Improve the Quality of Care. Academic Medicine 2020;95(4):574-581.
  • van der Schaaf MF, Baartman L, Mainhard T. Onderwijs is interactie. Didactief Online 2020.
  • Agricola BT, Prins FJ, van der Schaaf MF, van Tartwijk J. Supervisor and Student Perspectives on Undergraduate Thesis Supervision in Higher Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2020. Early online
  • Jacobs JCG, Wilschut J, van der Vleuten C, Scheele F, Croiset G, Kusurkar RA. An international study on teachers’ conceptions of learning and teaching and corresponding teacher profiles. Medical Teacher 2020. Early online
  • Rutgers DR, van Schaik JPJ, Kruitwagen CLJJ, Haaring C, van Lankeren W, van Raamt AF, ten Cate O. Introducing summative progress testing in radiology residency: little change in residents' test results after transitioning from formative progress testing. Medical Science Educator 2020 Early Online.
  • Bowen JL, Chiovaro J, O’Brien BC, Boscardin CK, Irby DM, ten Cate O. Exploring current physicians’ failure to communicate clinical feedback to prior physicians after transitions of patient care responsibility: A mixed methods study. Perspectives on Medical Education 2020 Early Online
  • ten Cate O, Schwartz A, Chen HC. Assessing trainees and making entrustment decisions: on the nature and use of entrustment and supervision scales. Academic Medicine 2020 (pre-publication)
  • Horsley T, Custers E, Tolsgaard MG. Fundamentals of randomized designs: AMEE Guide No. 128. Med Teach. 2020;42(5):486–92.
  • Sewell JL, Bowen JL, ten Cate O, O’Sullivan PS, Shah B, Boscardin CK. Learning challenges, teaching strategies, and cognitive load: experience of seasoned endoscopy teachers. Academic Medicine 2020;95(5):794-802
  • Veenhoven H H, Pool I A. Interprofessioneel leren op de werkplek. Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg 2020; 4, 25 - 29
  • Jansen RS, van Leeuwen A, Janssen J, Kester L. A mixed method approach to studying self-regulated learning in MOOCs: combining trace data with interviews. Frontline Learning Research 2020;8 (2), 35 - 64
  • Voogt JJ, Kars MC, van Rensen, ELJ, Schneider ME, Noordegraaf M, van der Schaaf MF. Why Medical Residents Do (and Don’t) Speak Up About Organizational Barriers and Opportunities to Improve the Quality of Care. Academic Medicine 2020 95 (4)
  • van Bruggen L, ten Cate O, Chen HC. Developing a novel 4-C framework to enhance participation in faculty development. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2020. Early Online
  • Humphrey-Murto S, O’Brien B, Irby DM, van der Vleuten C, ten Cate O, Durning S, Gruppen L, Hamstra S, Hu W, Varpio L. 14 Years Later: Follow-up Study of 8 Health Professions Education Scholarship Units. Academic Medicine 2010;95 (4), 629-636
  • Floren LC, Mandal J, Dall’Era M, Shin J, Irby DM, ten Cate O, O’Brien BC. A Mobile Learning Module to Support Interprofessional Knowledge Construction in the Health Professions. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2020; 84 (2) 239-249
  • Tekian A,  ten Cate O, Holmboe ES, Trudie T, Norcini J. Entrustment Decisions: implications for Curriculum Development and Assessment. Medical Teacher 2020 Early Online.
  • ten Cate O, Dahdal S, Lambert T, Neubauer F, Pless A, Pohlmann P-F, van Rijen H, Gurtner C. Ten caveats of learning analytics in health professions education: considering its definition, purposes and potential risks. Medical Teacher 2020. Early online
  • Favier RP, ten Cate O, Duijn C, Bok HGJ. Bridging the Gap between Undergraduate Veterinary Training and Veterinary Practice with Entrustable Professional Activities. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 2020 Early Online
  • Groot F, Jonker G, Rinia M, ten Cate O, Hoff RG.  Simulation at the frontier of the Zone of Proximal Development: a test in acute care for inexperienced learners. Academic Medicine 2020. Pre-publication
  • Ten Cate O. Loting voor de artsenstudie is goed voor de zorg [Online: Loting voor de artsenstudie geeft scholieren rust en is goed voor de zorgkwaliteit]. Trouw 29 februari 2020, pg 28-29
  • Yarris L, Artino A, Deiorio, ten Cate O, Sullivan, G Simpson D. Envisioning the future of academic writing. Editorial. J Grad Med Educ 2020;12(1):1-6
  • Tonni I, Gadbury-Amyot C, Govaerts M, ten Cate O, Davis J, Garcia LT, Valachovic RW. ADEA-ADEE Shaping the Future of Dental Education III Assessment in competency-based dental education: Ways forward. Journal of Dental Education 2020;84(1):97-104
  • De Graef O, Busse B, Cahill, V, Hansen, John R, Kluijtmans, M. Tomorrow’s teachers today: what universities can do for the teaching profession, League of European Research Universities, Online
  • Van Dam M, Gemke R, Schelfhout V, Ten Cate O. Werken met EPA’s: wie is verantwoordelijk? Medisch Contact 2020;08[20 feb.]:20-23
  • Van den Broek S, Querido S, Wijnen-Meijer M, van Dijk M, ten Cate O. Social identification with the medical profession in the transition from student to practitioner. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2020, Early Online 

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