Academic publications education 2019
Many scientific publications are published every year by our Expertise Center. These articles have been published in 2019.
- Rutgers DR, van der Gijp A, Vinken KL, Mol CP, van der Schaaf MF, ten Cate ThJ. Heat map analysis in radiological image interpretation: an exploration of its usefulness for feedback about image interpretation skills in learners. Academic Radiology 2019 Early Online
- ten Cate O, Pool IA. The viability of interprofessional entrustable professional activities. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2019. Early Online
- Duijn CMA, Bok HGJ, ten Cate O, Kremer WDJ. Qualified but not yet fully competent: bridging the gap between education and clinical practice. Veterinary Record 2019 Early Online.
- Gerrits EM, van Dooren MF, Bredenoord AL, van Mil MHW. Direct-to-consumer genetische tests in de spreekkamer. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2019;163
- Ten Cate O. When I Say... Entrustability. Medical Education 2019. Early online.
- Chang Chan AY, ten Cate O, Custers EJFM, van Leeuwen MS, Bleys RLAW. Approaches of anatomy teaching for seriously resource-deprived countries: a literature review. Education for Health 2019;32(2):62-74
- Ten Cate, O. Guia Atualizado sobre Atividades Profissionais Confiáveis (APCs) - An updated primer on Entrustable Professional Activities. [Portuguese /Brazil]. Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica 2019;43(Supp.1):1-10
- Bowen JL, Boscardin CK, Chiovaro J, ten Cate O, Regehr G, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. A view from the sender side of feedback: Anticipated receptivity to clinical feedback when changing prior physicians’ clinical decisions. A mixed methods study. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2019 Early.
- Querido SJ, De Rond MEJ, Wigersma L, van den Broek WES, ten Cate O. The significance of experiencing clinical responsibilities for specialty career choice . Medecal Science Educator 2019 Early
- Smit MP, de Hoog M, Brackel HJL, ten Cate ThJ, Gemke RJBJ. A nationally designed procedure to arrive at valid entrustment decisions for pediatric residents. J Grad Med Educ 2019;11(4):S158-S164
- ten Cate O, Carraccio C. Envisioning a true continuum of competency-based medical education, training and practice. Academic Medicine 2019;94(9):1283-1288
- Voogt J, Taris T, van Rensen E, Schneider M, Noordegraaf M, van der Schaaf M. Speaking up, support, control and work engagement of medical residents. A structural equation modelling analysis. Medical Education 2019.
- van der Schaaf M, Slof B, Boven L, de Jong, A. Evidence for measuring teachers’ core practices. European Journal of Teacher Education 2019.
- Marieke F. van der Schaaf (2019): Learning through the senses. Medical Education.
- Bas T. Agricola, Marieke F. van der Schaaf, Frans J. Prins & Jan van Tartwijk (2019): Shifting Patterns in Co-regulation, Feedback Perception, and Motivation During Research Supervision Meetings, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Steinauer J, Teherani A, Mangini R, Chien J, ten Cate O, O'Sullivan PS. Characterizations of motivation and identity in medical students’ reflections about challenging patient interactions. Medical Teacher. Early Online
- Sewell JL, Young JQ, Boscardin CK, ten Cate O, O’Sullivan PS. Trainee perception of cognitive load during observed faculty staff teaching of procedural skills. Medical Education 2019. Early Online
- Valbuena G, O’Brien B, ten Cate O, O’Sullivan P. Inquiry in the medical curriculum: A pedagogical conundrum and a proposed solution. Academic Medicine 2019;94(6)804-808
- Bouwmeester RAM, de Kleijn RAM., van den Berg IET, ten Cate OTJ, van Rijen HVM, Westerveld HE. Flipping the medical classroom: Effect on workload, interactivity, motivation and retention of knowledge. Computers & Education 2019; 39:118-128
- Chang Chan AYC, Custers E, van Leeuwen M, Bleys R, ten Cate O. Does an online anatomy course improve performance of medical students on gross anatomy examinations? Medical Science Educator 2019 Early Online
- Rutgers DR, van Raamt F, ten Cate ThJ. Development of competence in volumetric image interpretation in radiology residents BMC Medical Education (2019) 19:122
- Duijn CCMA, Van Dijk EJ, Bok HGJ, Mándoki M, ten Cate O. Workplace-based assessment tools for feedback and entrustment decisions in medical education: a systematic review. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 2019 Early Online
- Ten Cate O, Regehr G. The power of subjectivity in the assessment of medical trainees. Academic Medicine 2019;94(3):333-337
- Leenknecht M, Hompus P, van der Schaaf MF. Feedback seeking behaviour in higher education: the association with students’ goal orientation and deep learning approach. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2019.
- Pool I, Nagel A, Schuurmans M. Nieuwe herregistratie-eisen voor verpleegkundigen: eisen in andere landen. Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg, 2019;43(1) 25-28.
- Van Houwelingen CTM, Ettema RGA, Kort, ten Cate O. Hospital Nurses' Self-reported Confidence in Their Telehealth Competencies. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2019;50(1):26-34
- van der Schaaf MF. Electronic Portfolios Enhanced with Learning Analytics at the Workplace. In: McGrath S., Mulder M., Papier J., Suart R. (eds) Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. 2019; Springer, Cham.