
mr. ir. W.X. van Bruining

mr. ir. W.X. van Bruining

Full Professor

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Research Output (120)

V1 alpha oscillations are local and reflect surround inhibition

Harvey B.M., Vansteensel M.J., Ferrier C.H., Petridou N., Zuiderbaan W., Aarnoutse E.J., Bleichner M.G., Dijkerman H.C., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Leijten F.S.S., Ramsey N.F., Dumoulin S.O. 2012,

Cerebral stroke and episodic memory; content and temporal order memory of performed activities. d

Schoo L.A., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Biessels G.J., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 16 Dec 2011,

Lateralization of spatial relation processing in natural scenes

Van der Ham C.J.M., Frijns C.J.M., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 7 Sep 2011,

The posterior parietal paradox: Why do functional magnetic resonance imaging and lesion studies on episodic memory produce conflicting results?

Schoo L.A., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Biessels G.J., Kappelle L.J., Postma A., De Haan E.H.F. 2011, In: Journal of Neuropsychology. 5 , p. 15-38 24 p.

Hemispheric differences in spatial relation processing in a scene perception task: a neuropsychological study

Van der Ham C.J.M., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Frijns C.J.M., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 2011, In: Neuropsychologia. 49 , p. 999-1005 7 p.

Is cognitive functioning 1 year poststroke related to quality of life domain?

Verhoeven C.L., Post M.W.M., Schiemanck S.K.S., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Vrancken P.H., van Heugten C.M. 2011, In: Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 20 , p. 450-458 9 p.

Predicting fatigue 1 year after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Passier P.E.C.A., Post M.W.M., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Rinkel G.J.E., Lindeman E., Visser-Meily J.M.A. 2011, In: Journal of Neurology. 258 , p. 1091-1097 7 p.

Cognition after carotid endarterectomy or stenting: a randomized comparison

Altinbas A., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Van den Berg E., Jongen L.M., Algra A., Moll F.L., Nederkoorn P.J., Mali W.P.T.M., Bonati L.H., Brown M.M., Kappelle L.J., van der Worp H.B. 2011, In: Neurology. 77 , p. 1084-1090 7 p.

Population receptive field properties from fMRI and electrocorticography in the visual cortex of the same subjects

Harvey B.M., Vansteensel M.J., Dijkerman H.C., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Ferrier C.H., Petridou N., Leijten F.S.S., Ramsey N.F., Dumoulin S.O. 2011,

Development and validation of a short version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale

Post M.W.M., Boosman H., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Passier P.E.C.A., Rinkel G.J.E., Visser-Meily J.M.A. 2011, In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 82 , p. 283-286 4 p.

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