
mr. ir. W.X. van Bruining

mr. ir. W.X. van Bruining

Full Professor

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Research Output (120)

Population receptive field properties from fMRI and electrocorticography in the striate and extrastriate cortex of the same subject.

Harvey B.M., Vansteensel M.J., Dijkerman H.C., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Ferrier C.H., Petridou N., Leijten F.S.S., Ramsey N.F., Dumoulin S.O. 2011,

Auditory verbal hallucinations and cognitive functioning in healthy individuals

Daalman K., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Bootsman F., Boks M.P., Kahn R.S., Sommer I.E.C. 2011, In: Schizophrenia Research. 132 , p. 203-207 5 p.

Cognitive anosognosia in a stroke population

Schoo L.A., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Biessels G.J., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 22 Sep 2010,

Visuospatial elements in episodic memory: a qualitative study

Schoo L.A., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Biessels G.J., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 16 Jun 2010,

The prognostic value of neuropsychological examination after SAH

Penninx J. F., Visser-Meily J. M.A., Passier P. E.C.A., Rinkel G. J.E., Post M. W., Van Zandvoort M. J.E. 1 Jan 2010, In: Behavioural Neurology. 23 , p. 173-175 3 p.

Prevalence and determinants of cognitive complaints after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Passier P.E.C.A., Visser-Meily J.M.A., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Post M.W.M., Rinkel G.J.E., van Heugten C.M. 2010, In: Cerebrovascular Diseases. 29 , p. 557-563 7 p.

Contribution of the left and right inferior frontal gyrus in recovery from aphasia. A functional MRI study in stroke patients with preserved hemodynamic responsiveness

van Oers C.A.M.M., Vink M., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., van der Worp H.B., de Haan E.H., Kappelle L.J., Ramsey N.F., Dijkhuizen R.M. 2010, In: NeuroImage. 49 , p. 885-893 9 p.

A double dissociation between somatosensory processing for perception and action

Anema H.A., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., De Haan E.H.F., Kappelle L.J., de Kort P.L., Jansen B.P., Dijkerman H.C. 2009, In: Neuropsychologia. 47 , p. 1615-1620 6 p.

Long-term health-related quality of life after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage relationship with psychological symptoms and personality characteristics

Visser-Meily J.M.A., Rhebergen M.L., Rinkel G.J.E., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Post M.W.M. 2009, In: Stroke. 40 , p. 1526-1529 4 p.

Cognitive dysfunction and its clinical and radiological determinants in patients with symptomatic arterial disease and diabetes.

Tiehuis A.M., Mali W.P.T.M., van Raamt A.F., Visseren F.L.J., Biessels G.J., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Kappelle L.J., Algra A., Doevendans P.A.F.M., Moll F.L., Grobbee D.E., Rutten G.E.H.M., SMART Study Group x, van der Graaf Y. 2009, In: Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 283 , p. 170-174 5 p.

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