
mr. ir. W.X. van Bruining

mr. ir. W.X. van Bruining

Full Professor

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Research Output (120)

V1 alpha oscillations are local and reflect surround inhibition

Harvey B.M., Vansteensel M.J., Ferrier C.H., Petridou N., Zuiderbaan W., Aarnoutse E.J., Bleichner M.G., Dijkerman H.C., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Leijten F.S.S., Ramsey N.F., Dumoulin S.O. 2013, In: Social Neuroscience.

Frequency specific spatial interactions in human electrocorticography: V1 alpha oscillations reflect surround suppression

Harvey B.M., Vansteensel M.J., Ferrier C.H., Petridou N., Zuiderbaan W., Aarnoutse E.J., Bleichner M.G., Dijkerman H.C., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Leijten F.S.S., Ramsey N.F., Dumoulin S.O. 2013, In: NeuroImage. 15 , p. 424-432 9 p.

Insight in cognition: self-awareness of performance across cognitive domains

Schoo L.A., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Biessels G.J., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 2013, In: Applied Neuropsychology. 20 , p. 95-102 8 p.

The Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (Modified): relation with a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment

van den Berg E., Ruis C., Biessels G.J., Kappelle L.J., van Zandvoort M.J.E. 2012, In: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 34 , p. 598-605 8 p.

Do you know what I mean? Laypeople and experts' concepts of cognition

Schoo L.A., Van den Berg E., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Postma A. 2012, In: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 27 , p. 182-189 7 p.

Vasculaire aandoeningen. In Kessels R.P.C., Eling P., Ponds R., spikman J., Van Zandvoort M. (Eds)

Van den Berg E., van Zandvoort M.J.E. 2012, In: Klinische Neuropsychologie. p. 335-353 18 p.

Predictors of long-term health-related quality of life in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Passier P.E.C.A., Visser-Meily J.M.A., van Zandvoort M.J.E., Rinkel G.J.E., Lindeman E., Post M.W.M. 2012, In: NeuroRehabilitation. 30 , p. 137-145 9 p.

Increases in alpha-band electrocorticographic oscillations and decreases in fMRI signals reflect surround suppression in V1 but not extra striate cortex

Harvey B.M., Vansteensel M.J., Dijkerman H.C., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Ferrier C.H., Petridou N., Zuiderbaan W., Leijten F.S.S., Ramsey N.F., Dumoulin S.O. 2012,

The effect of stimulus features on working memory of categorical and coordinate spatial relations in patients with unilateral brain damage.

Van der Ham C.J.M., van Wezel R.J.A., Oleksiak A., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Frijns C.J.M., Kappelle L.J., Postma A. 2012, In: Cortex. 48 , p. 737-45 9 p.

Ophthalamic impairment or higher order visual deficit? Posterior cortical atrophy: a case report.

Ruis C., Van den Berg E., Van Zandvoort M.J.E., Boshuisen K., Frijns C.J.M. 2012, In: Applied Neuropsychology. 19 , p. 154-158 4 p.

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