
dr. ir. O.P.P. (Julia) Geurds

dr. ir. O.P.P. (Julia) Geurds

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (51)

Reconciling Estimates of Cell Proliferation from Stable Isotope Labeling Experiments

Ahmed Raya, Westera Liset, Drylewicz Julia, Elemans Marjet, Zhang Yan, Kelly Elizabeth, Reljic Rajko, Tesselaar Kiki, de Boer Rob J., Macallan Derek C., Borghans José A M, Asquith Becca 2015, In: PLoS Computational Biology. 11

Erratum to "NIMROD:A program for inference via normal approximation of the posterior in models with random effects based on ordinary differential equations" [Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 111 (2) (2013) 447-458]

Prague Mélanie, Commenges Daniel, Guedj Jérémie, Drylewicz Julia, Thiébaut Rodolphe 1 Mar 2014, In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 113 1 p.

Quantifying and Predicting the Effect of Exogenous Interleukin-7 on CD4<sup>+</sup>T Cells in HIV-1 Infection

Thiébaut Rodolphe, Drylewicz Julia, Prague Mélanie, Lacabaratz Christine, Beq Stéphanie, Jarne Ana, Croughs Thérèse, Sekaly Rafick Pierre, Lederman Michael M., Sereti Irini, Commenges Daniel, Lévy Yves 1 Jan 2014, In: PLoS Computational Biology. 10

T-cell homeostasis.

Drylewicz J., Tesselaar N.A., Borghans J.A.M. 2014, p. 1-8 8 p.

NIMROD:A program for inference via a normal approximation of the posterior in models with random effects based on ordinary differential equations

Prague Mélanie, Commenges Daniel, Guedj Jérémie, Drylewicz Julia, Thiébaut Rodolphe 1 Aug 2013, In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 111 , p. 447-458 12 p.

Treatment Monitoring of HIV-Infected Patients based on Mechanistic Models

Prague Mélanie, Commenges Daniel, Drylewicz Julia, Thiébaut Rodolphe 1 Sep 2012, In: Biometrics. 68 , p. 902-911 10 p.

Inference in HIV dynamics models via hierarchical likelihood

Commenges D., Jolly D., Drylewicz J., Putter H., Thiébaut R. 1 Jan 2011, In: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 55 , p. 446-456 11 p.

First-year lymphocyte T CD4<sup>+</sup> response to antiretroviral therapy according to the HIV type in the IeDEA West Africa collaboration

Drylewicz Julia, Eholie Serge, Maiga Moussa, Zannou Djimon Marcel, Sow Papa Salif, Ekouevi Didier K., Peterson Kevin, Bissagnene Emmanuel, Dabis François, Thiébaut Rodolphe 1 Apr 2010, In: AIDS. 24 , p. 1043-1050 8 p.

Score tests for exploring complex models:Application to HIV dynamics models

Drylewicz Julia, Commenges Daniel, Thiébaut Rodolphe 1 Feb 2010, In: Biometrical Journal. 52 , p. 10-21 12 p.

Modeling the dynamics of biomarkers during primary HIV infection taking into account the uncertainty of infection date

Drylewicz J., Guedj J., Commenges D., Thiébaut R. 1 Jan 2010, In: Annals of Applied Statistics. 4 , p. 1847-1870 24 p.

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