
dr. ir. O.P.P. (Julia) Geurds

dr. ir. O.P.P. (Julia) Geurds

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (51)

Moving toward endotypes in atopic dermatitis:Identification of patient clusters based on serum biomarker analysis

Thijs Judith L., Strickland Ian, Bruijnzeel-Koomen Carla A.F.M., Nierkens Stefan, Giovannone Barbara, Csomor Eszter, Sellman Bret R., Mustelin Tomas, Sleeman Matthew A., de Bruin-Weller Marjolein S., Herath Athula, Drylewicz Julia, May Richard D., Hijnen Dirk Jan Sep 2017, In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 140 , p. 730-737

Dynamics of recent thymic emigrants in young adult mice

van Hoeven Vera, Drylewicz Julia, Westera Liset, den Braber Ineke, Mugwagwa Tendai, Tesselaar Kiki, Borghans José A.M., de Boer Rob J. 7 Aug 2017, In: Frontiers in Immunology [E]. 8

Reduced number of relapses of human leucocyte antigen-B27-associated uveitis during pregnancy

Verhagen Fleurieke H, Braakenburg Arthur M, Kremer Tessa, Drylewicz Julia, Rothova Aniki, de Boer Joke H 1 Jan 2017, In: Acta Ophthalmologica. 95 , p. e798-e799 2 p.

EASI p-EASI:Utilizing a combination of serum biomarkers offers an objective measurement tool for disease severity in atopic dermatitis patients

Thijs Judith L., Drylewicz Julia, Fiechter Renée, Strickland Ian, Sleeman Matthew A., Herath Athula, May Richard D., Bruijnzeel-Koomen Catharina A.F.M., Knol Edward F., Giovannone Barbara, de Bruin-Weller Marjolein S., Nierkens Stefan, Hijnen Dirk Jan 2017, In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 140 , p. 1703-1705 3 p.

Maraviroc Intensification Improves Endothelial Function in Abacavir-Treated Patients, an Open-Label Randomized Cross-Over Pilot Study

Krikke Maaike, Tesselaar Kiki, Arends Joop E, Drylewicz Julia, Otto Sigrid A, van Lelyveld Steven F L, Visseren Frank J L, Hoepelman Andy I M Sep 2016, In: Infectious Diseases and Therapy. 5 , p. 389–404

Rapid reconstitution of CD4 T cells and NK cells protects against CMV-reactivation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

Drylewicz Julia, Schellens Ingrid M M, Gaiser Rogier, Nanlohy Nening M, Quakkelaar Esther D, Otten Henny, van Dorp Suzanne, Jacobi Ronald, Ran Leonie, Spijkers Sanne, Koning Dan, Schuurman Rob, Meijer Ellen, Pietersma Floortje L, Kuball Jurgen, van Baarle Debbie 2016, In: Journal of Translational Medicine [E]. 14 9 p.

Reconciling Longitudinal Naive T-Cell and TREC Dynamics during HIV-1 Infection

Drylewicz Julia, Vrisekoop Nienke, Mugwagwa Tendai, de Boer Anne Bregje, Otto Sigrid A, Hazenberg Mette D, Tesselaar Kiki, de Boer Rob J, Borghans José A M 2016, In: PLoS ONE [E]. 11

Quantification of naive and memory T-cell turnover during HIV-1 infection

Vrisekoop N, Drylewicz J, van Gent R., Mugwagwa T., van Lelyveld SFL, Veel E.M., Otto S.A., Ackermans M.T., Vermeulen J.N., Huidekoper H.H., Prins J.M., Miedema F, de Boer Rob J., Tesselaar NA, Borghans JAM Oct 2015, In: AIDS. 29 , p. 2071-2080

Maraviroc intensification of cART in patients with suboptimal immunological recovery:A 48-week, placebo-controlled randomized trial

van Lelyveld Steven F. L. , Drylewicz Julia, Krikke Maaike, Veel Ellen M., Otto Sigrid A., Richter Clemens, Soetekouw Robin, Prins Jan M., Brinkman Kees, Mulder Jan Willem, Kroon Frank, Middel Ananja, Symons Jori, Wensing Annemarie M J, Nijhuis Monique, Borghans José A M, Tesselaar Kiki, Hoepelman Andy I M 24 Jul 2015, In: PLoS ONE [E]. 10

Lymphocyte maintenance during healthy aging requires no substantial alterations in cellular turnover

Westera Liset, van Hoeven Vera, Drylewicz Julia, Spierenburg Gerrit, van Velzen Jeroen F., de Boer Rob J., Tesselaar Kiki, Borghans José A M 1 Jan 2015, In: Aging Cell. 14 , p. 219-227 9 p.

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