
Strategic Program Cancer nieuws

Strategic Program Cancer nieuws

Metastases unravelled by unique DNA analysis

An enhanced microscopic image of a DNA strand and a cancer cell.

Publications Nature and Nature Genetics about metastases and large-scale DNA analysis.

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Martijn Intven appointed as a professor

With effect from 15 March 2023, UMC Utrecht has appointed Martijn Intven as professor of image-guided radiotherapy. This new chair falls within the Strategic Program Cancer and the Imaging Division of UMC Utrecht.

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Make genetic research more accessible

Portrait of professor Margreet Ausems

In the Netherlands, not every patient has equal access to cancer genetic care. It appears that doctors are less likely to refer patients who have difficulty reading and writing, do not speak the Dutch language or are less health literate to the genetics division. "That has to change," Margreet Ausems, professor of Clinical Oncogenetics at UMC Utrecht, argued in her oration on 6 April. She called on doctors to pay attention to these patients.

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Roland Kuiper appointed as professor

The UMC Utrecht has appointed researcher Roland Kuiper as professor of Molecular Genetics of Hereditary Cancer in Children with effect from August 1, 2022.

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Rachel van Leeuwaarde receives Kika grant

Rachel van Leeuwaarde of UMC Utrecht receives a Kika grant of almost €200.000 for research on children with MEN-syndrome.

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‘Mustard after the meal’? Bile during the meal!

Inaugural lecture by metabolic scientist Prof. Saskia van Mil

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Motion in cancer care! Inaugural lecture of Prof. Anne May

Exercise is good for everyone, including people with cancer. So why do we need further research? This is a question that professor Anne May of the UMC Utrecht hears quite often.

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Horizon Europe grant for prof. Anne May

Anne MAy

Prof. Anne May from UMC Utrecht and her colleagues have received a 6 million Horizon Europe grant to develop and evaluate a personalized and live-remote exercise program for cancer patients. With this new intervention, they aim to resolve current problems in the implementation of exercise programs. This news item describes their research plans.

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NWO grant for MRI-guided heart radiotherapy

NWO grant for MRI-guided heart radiotherapy

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Technology alone is not enough

Professor Jelle Ruurda about the future of robotic surgery

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Working at UMC Utrecht





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