
Child Health nieuws

Child Health nieuws

More research needed into Hypothalamic Syndrome in patients

There are children who always feel hungry and who are very overweight because their sense of satiety is 'broken'.

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Rutger Jan Nievelstein appointed professor of Pediatric Radiology

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ERC Starting Grant for pediatrician and researcher Sabine Fuchs

Sabine Fuchs

Pediatrician of metabolic diseases and researcher Sabine Fuchs has been awarded an ERC Starting grant of €1.5 million for five years. She plans to use the prestigious grant to improve the treatment of rare genetic diseases.

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How stem cell therapy can repair brain injuries in newborns

A new stem cell therapy which stimulates the brain’s own healing power appears to be a breakthrough in repairing brain damage in newborns.

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Martha Grootenhuis: Improving quality of life through psycho-oncology

Martha Grootenhuis has been appointed professor of pediatric psycho-oncology at the Faculty of Medicine at Utrecht University. On Tuesday 12 October she will deliver her inaugural lecture, ‘Better together?!’. Children with cancer and their families often face psychosocial issues. Grootenhuis: ‘With every treatment protocol, we should ask ourselves: what does this mean for the quality of life of the child?’

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Rotavirus vaccination of children with medical risk factors does not offer sufficient protection

Vaccination of children with medical risk factors against acute gastroenteritis due to rotavirus infection does not appear to offer sufficient protection.

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The child is more important than the diagnosis

In the Netherlands, more than one in five children with a chronic illness or condition is severely tired. Merel Nap-van der Vlist of UMC Utrecht studied fatigue and participation in society in chronically ill children.

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Two-day test in peanut allergy often unnecessary

Until now, a proper diagnosis of a peanut allergy in children requires a two-day provocation test. PhD research by Hannah Kansen at UMC Utrecht shows that for some of the children a blood test is sufficient and for others a blood test and a one-day provocation test is enough.

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Pay attention to wheelchair skills in children

Children and young adults with limited walking abilities often use a manual wheelchair in daily life.

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Jan Willem Gorter appointed professor of Pediatric Rehabilitation

Jan Willem Gorter will start as Professor of Pediatric Rehabilitation at UMC Utrecht on August 1, 2021.

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Working at UMC Utrecht





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