
Child Health nieuws

Child Health nieuws

Roland Kuiper appointed as professor

The UMC Utrecht has appointed researcher Roland Kuiper as professor of Molecular Genetics of Hereditary Cancer in Children with effect from August 1, 2022.

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Rachel van Leeuwaarde receives Kika grant

Rachel van Leeuwaarde of UMC Utrecht receives a Kika grant of almost €200.000 for research on children with MEN-syndrome.

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New nominations at Dynamics of Youth

Jeroen Dudink and Sanne Nijhof have been appointed by Dynamics of Youth (UU) to an interdisciplinary domain chair.

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Brain maturation in congenital heart defects

Better treatment is enabling doctors to save the lives of an increasing number of newborn babies with serious congenital heart defects.

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Young researchers visited a primary school

At least 40 young researchers visited primary schools in the Utrecht region. They were 'Slimme Gast' in group 7 and group 8 and told children about doing research.

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Visualising blood flow in young heart patients

Treating a narrowed pulmonary artery can prevent serious complications in young heart patients. Research from UMC Utrecht shows that an understanding of how the blood flows is important here.

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Patients are most important to Nico Wulffraat

Nico Wulffraat, professor of paediatric rheumatology at the WKZ, is retiring this week.

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Stem cell therapy for brain damage in newborns

Research shows that brain damage in newborns can be safely treated with stem cells.

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Get patients more involved in research on RS virus

The RS virus leads to many hospital admissions each year. Patient participation strengthens research on the RS virus.

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Christopher J. Gill: Reducing child mortality in low resource settings

Christopher J. Gill: Reducing child mortality in low resource settings

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Working at UMC Utrecht





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