Molecular and cellular science & therapy
Research theme
OBJECTIVES of the theme Molecular and cellular science & therapy are to develop innovative systemic molecular and cellular treatment strategies and biomarkers that provide and respectively monitor effective anti-cancer therapy response with minimal toxicity. The UMC Utrecht has the ambition to create centers of excellence in the focus areas, cancer cell and immune system targets, as well as to be a front runner in tailored treatment strategies.

Focus areas uitklapper, klik om te openen

Research Centers uitklapper, klik om te openen
Research Centers within this research theme: |
Center for Molecular Medicine > |
Translational Neuroscience > |
Laboratory for Translational Oncology > |
Laboratory of Molecular Pathology > |
Center for Translational Immunology > |
Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht > |
Research Leaders uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Dr. Willeke Blokx >
- Dr. Annelies Bos, gynecologist > >
- Dr. Lodewijk Brosens (MD, PhD, MSc), pathologist > >
- Prof. dr. Boudewijn Burgering > (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Paul Coffer (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Edwin Cuppen >
- Dr. Tobias Dansen, chemist > (research group >)
- Dr. Martijn Gloerich, biologist > (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Elly Hol > (research group >)
- Dr. Aniek Janssen > (research group >)
- Dr. Eric Kalkhoven >
- Dr. Peter de Keizer, molecular biologist > >
- Prof. dr. Judith Klumperman >
- Prof. dr. Miriam Koopman, oncologist > >
- Prof. dr. Onno Kranenburg > (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Jürgen Kuball, hematologist > >
- Dr. Arief Lalmohamed, pharmacist > >
- Prof. dr. Susanne Lens > > >
- Dr. Jeanette Leusen > (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Madelon Maurice > > (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Monique Minnema >
- Prof. dr. Linde Meyaard >
- Prof. dr. Saskia van Mil > (research group >)
- Dr. Stefan Nierkens, medical immunologist >
- Dr. Victor Peperzak > (research group >)
- Dr. Reinier Raaijmakers >
- Dr. Jeroen de Ridder >
- Dr. Maria Rodriguez-Colman > (research group >)
- Dr. Jeanine Roodhart, oncologist > >
- Prof. dr. Raymond Schiffelers >
- Dr. Zsolt Sebestyen > >
- Dr. Tom Snijders, neurologist > > (research group >)
- Dr. Hugo Snippert, biologist >
- Dr. ir. Trudy Straetemans > >
- Dr. Karijn Suijkerbuijk, oncologist > >
- Dr. Yvonne Vercoulen > (research group >)
- Prof. dr. Els Witteveen, oncologist > >
- Dr. Fried Zwartkruis >
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