
prof. dr. M.N.N. Verhagen

prof. dr. M.N.N. Verhagen

Associate Professor

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Research Output (262)

Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis:protocol for a systematic review

Dhami Sangeeta, Nurmatov Ulugbek, Roberts Graham, Pfaar Oliver, Muraro Antonella, Ansotegui Ignacio J, Calderon Moises, Cingi Cemal, Demoly Pascal, Durham Stephen, van Wijk Ronald Gerth, Halken Susanne, Hamelmann Eckard, Hellings Peter, Jacobsen Lars, Knol Edward, Linnemann Desiree Larenas, Lin Sandra, Maggina Vivian, Oude-Elberink Hanneke, Pajno Giovanni, Panwankar Ruby, Pastorello Elideanna, Pitsios Constantinos, Rotiroti Giuseppina, Timmermans Frans, Tsilochristou Olympia, Varga Eva-Maria, Wilkinson Jamie, Williams Andrew, Worm Margitta, Zhang Luo, Sheikh Aziz 2016, In: Clinical and Translational Allergy. 6 6 p.

Allergy immunotherapy across the life cycle to promote active and healthy ageing:from research to policies: An AIRWAYS Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs) programme item (Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing) and the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD), a World Health Organization GARD research demonstration project

Calderon M A, Demoly P, Casale T, Akdis C A, Bachert C, Bewick M, Bilò B M, Bohle B, Bonini S, Bush A, Caimmi D P, Canonica G W, Cardona V, Chiriac A M, Cox L, Custovic A, De Blay F, Devillier P, Didier A, Di Lorenzo G, Du Toit G, Durham S R, Eng P, Fiocchi A, Fox A T, van Wijk R Gerth, Gomez R M, Haathela T, Halken S, Hellings P W, Jacobsen L, Just J, Tanno L K, Kleine-Tebbe J, Klimek L, Knol EF, Kuna P, Larenas-Linnemann D E, Linneberg A, Matricardi M, Malling H J, Moesges R, Mullol J, Muraro A, Papadopoulos N, Passalacqua G, Pastorello E, Pfaar O, Price D, Del Rio P Rodriguez, Ruëff R, Samolinski B, Scadding G K, Senti G, Shamji M H, Sheikh A, Sisul J C, Sole D, Sturm G J, Tabar A, Van Ree R, Ventura M T, Vidal C, Varga E M, Worm M, Zuberbier T, Bousquet J 2016, In: Clinical and Translational Allergy. 6

The cAMP response element modulator (CREM) regulates T(H)2 mediated inflammation

Verjans Eva, Ohl Kim, Reiss Lucy K, van Wijk Femke, Toncheva Antonaneta A, Wiener Anastasia, Yu Yin, Rieg Annette D, Gaertner Vincent D, Roth Johannes, Knol Edward, Kabesch Michael, Wagner Norbert, Uhlig Stefan, Martin Christian, Tenbrock Klaus 17 Nov 2015, In: Oncotarget. 6 , p. 38538-38551 14 p.

The clinical utility of basophil activation testing in diagnosis and monitoring of allergic disease

Hoffmann H. J., Santos A. F., Mayorga C., Nopp A., Eberlein B., Ferrer M., Rouzaire P., Ebo D. G., Sabato V., Sanz M. L., Pecaric-Petkovic T., Patil S. U., Hausmann O. V., Shreffler W. G., Korosec P., Knol E. F. 1 Nov 2015, In: Allergy. 70 , p. 1393-1405 13 p.

EAACI IG Biologicals task force paper on the use of biologic agents in allergic disorders

Boyman O., Kaegi C., Akdis M., Bavbek S., Bossios A., Chatzipetrou A., Eiwegger T., Firinu D., Harr T., Knol E., Matucci A., Palomares O., Schmidt-Weber C., Simon H. U., Steiner U. C., Vultaggio A., Akdis C. A., Spertini F. 1 Jul 2015, In: Allergy. 70 , p. 727-754 28 p.

Differential TLR-Induced cytokine production by human mast cells is amplified by Fce{open}RI triggering

Suurmond J., Dorjée A. L., Knol E. F., Huizinga T. W J, Toes R. E M 1 Apr 2015, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 45 , p. 788-796 9 p.

Diagnostic accuracy of specific IgE to components in diagnosing peanut allergy:a systematic review

Klemans R. J. B., van Os-Medendorp H., Blankestijn M., Bruijnzeel-Koomen C. A. F. M., Knol E. F., Knulst A. C. Apr 2015, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 45 , p. 720-730 11 p.

A panel of biomarkers for disease severity in atopic dermatitis

Thijs J. L. , Nierkens S., Herath A., Bruijnzeel-Koomen Carla A.F.M., Knol E. F. , Giovannone B. , de Bruin-Weller M. S. , Hijnen D. 1 Jan 2015, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 45 , p. 698-701 4 p.

TSLP is differentially regulated by vitamin D3 and cytokines in human skin

Landheer Janneke, Giovannone Barbara, Sadekova Svetlana, Tjabringa Sandra, Hofstra Claudia, Dechering Koen, Bruijnzeel-Koomen Carla, Chang Charlie, Ying Yu, de Waal Malefyt Rene, Hijnen DirkJan, Knol Edward 2015, In: Immunity, inflammation and disease. 3 , p. 32-43 12 p.

Chemical modification of peanut conglutin reduces IgE reactivity but not T cell reactivity in peanut-allergic patients

van Hoffen E., van der Kleij H.P., den Hartog Jager C.F., Doorn W.A., Knol E.F., Opstelten D.J., Koppelman S.J., Knulst A.C. 1 Dec 2014, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 44 , p. 1558-1566 9 p.

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