
prof. dr. M.N.N. Verhagen

prof. dr. M.N.N. Verhagen

Associate Professor

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Research Output (262)

The diagnostic value of specific IgE to Ara h 2 to predict peanut allergy in children is comparable to a validated and updated diagnostic prediction model.

Klemans R.J.B., Otte D., Knol M.J., Knol E.F., Meijer Y., Gmelig-Meyling F.H.J., Bruijnzeel - Koomen C.A.F.M., Knulst A.C., Pasmans S.G.M.A. 2013, In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 131 , p. 157-163 7 p.

Research needs in allergy:An EAACI position paper, in collaboration with EFA

Papadopoulos Nikolaos G. et al. 1 Jan 2012, In: Clinical and Translational Allergy. 2

Basophils and antigen presentation: of mice and not men?

Knol E.F., Gibbs B.F. 2012, In: Allergy. 67 , p. 579-580 2 p.

Low neonatal Toll-like receptor 4-mediated interleukin-10 production is associated with subsequent atopic dermatitis.

Belderbos M.E., Knol E.F., Houben M.L., van Bleek G.M., Wilbrink B., Kimpen J.L.L., Rovers M.M., Bont L.J. 2012, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 42 , p. 66-75 10 p.

Modulation of Lymphocyte Function In Vivo via Inhibition of Calcineurin or Purine Synthesis in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis.

Knol E.F., Haeck I.M., van Kraats A.A., Laaper - Ertmann M., Giovannone B., Hijnen D.J., Nijhuis E.H.J., de Bruin-Weller M.S., Knol M.J., Bruijnzeel - Koomen C.A.F.M. 2012, In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 132 , p. 2476-2479 4 p.

Which factors in raw cow's milk contribute to protection against allergies?

van Neerven R.J., Knol E.F., Heck J.M., Savelkoul H.F. 2012, In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 130 , p. 853-858 6 p.

Enzymatic Treatment of Whey Proteins in Cow's Milk Results in Differential Inhibition of IgE-Mediated Mast Cell Activation Compared to T-Cell Activation.

Knipping K., van Esch B.C., van Ieperen-van Dijk A.G., van Hoffen E., van Baalen T., Knippels L.M., van der Heide S., Dubois A.E., Garssen J., Knol E.F. 2012, In: International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 159 , p. 263-270 8 p.

Immune responses in dogs with cutaneous adverse food reactions

Veenhof E.Z., Knol E.F., Willemse A., Rutten V.P. 2012, In: Veterinary Quarterly. 32 , p. 87-98 12 p.

The immune cell composition in Barrett's metaplastic tissue resembles that in normal duodenal tissue.

Lind A., Siersema P.D., Kusters J.G., van der Linden J.A., Knol E.F., Koenderman L. 2012, In: PLoS ONE [E]. 7 , p. e33899-e33899 1 p.

Anaphylaxis to cow's milk formula containing short-chain galacto-oligosaccharide.

Chiang W.C., Huang C.H., Lianora G.V., Gerez L., Goh S.H., Shek L.P., Nauta A.J., Doorn W.A., Bindels J., Ulfman L.H., Knipping K., Delsing D.J., Knol E.F., Lee B.W. 2012, In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 130 , p. 1361-1367 7 p.

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