
ir. B.C. Venmans

ir. B.C. Venmans

Full Professor

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Research Output (167)

Pushing functional MRI spatial and temporal resolution further:High-density receive arrays combined with shot-selective 2D CAIPIRINHA for 3D echo-planar imaging at 7 T

Hendriks Arjan D, D'Agata Federico, Raimondo Luisa, Schakel Tim, Geerts Liesbeth, Luijten Peter R, Klomp Dennis W J, Petridou Natalia 3 Mar 2020, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 33 13 p.

Whole brain 31P MRSI at 7T with a dual‐tuned receive array

Rowland Benjamin C, Driver Ian D, Tachrount Mohamed, Klomp Dennis W J, Rivera Debra, Forner Ria, Pham Anh, Italiaander Michel, Wise Richard G Feb 2020, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 83 , p. 765-775 11 p.

Inherently decoupled H-1 antennas and P-31 loops for metabolic imaging of liver metastasis at 7 T

Rivera Debra, Kalleveen Irene, de Castro Catalina Arteaga, van Laarhoven Hanneke, Klomp Dennis, van der Kemp Wybe, Stoker Jaap, Nederveen Aart 10 Jan 2020, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 33 10 p.

In vivo biochemical assessment of cartilage with gagCEST MRI: Correlation with cartilage properties

Brinkhof Sander, Nizak Razmara, Sim Sotcheadt, Khlebnikov Vitaliy, Quenneville Eric, Garon Martin, Klomp Dennis W. J., Saris Daniel 2020, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 34

Can sodium MRI be used as a method for mapping of cartilage stiffness?

Brinkhof Sander, Froeling Martijn, Janssen Rob P A, Ito Keita, Klomp Dennis W J 2020, In: Magma - Magnetic Resonance Materials In Physics Biology And Medicine. 34 , p. 327-336 10 p.

On the magnetic field dependence of deuterium metabolic imaging

de Graaf Robin A., Hendriks Arjan D., Klomp Dennis W.J., Kumaragamage Chathura, Welting Dimitri, Arteaga de Castro Catalina S., Brown Peter B., McIntyre Scott, Nixon Terence W., Prompers Jeanine J., De Feyter Henk M. 26 Dec 2019, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 33 9 p.

Analysis of chemical exchange saturation transfer contributions from brain metabolites to the Z-spectra at various field strengths and pH

Khlebnikov Vitaliy, van der Kemp Wybe J. M., Hoogduin Hans, Klomp Dennis W. J., Prompers Jeanine J. 1 Dec 2019, In: Scientific Reports. 9

Measurement of T<sub>1</sub> and T<sub>2</sub> relaxation times of the pancreas at 7 T using a multi-transmit system

Damen Mariska, van Leeuwen Maarten, Webb Andrew, Klomp Dennis, de Castro Catalina Arteaga 1 Dec 2019, In: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 32 , p. 703-708 6 p.

Low SAR P-31 (multi-echo) spectroscopic imaging using an integrated whole-body transmit coil at 7T

van Houtum Q., Welting D., Gosselink W. J.M., Klomp D. W.J., Arteaga de Castro C. S., van der Kemp W. J.M. 1 Dec 2019, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 32

Feasibility of P-31 spectroscopic imaging at 7 T in lung carcinoma patients

van Houtum Quincy Q, Mohamed Hoesein Firdaus F A A, Verhoeff Joost J J C, van Rossum Peter P S N, van Lindert Anne A S R, van der Velden Tijl T A, van der Kemp Wybe W J M, Klomp Dennis D W J, Arteaga de Castro Catalina C S 17 Nov 2019, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 34 8 p.

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