
ir. B.C. Venmans

ir. B.C. Venmans

Full Professor

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Research Output (167)

The Coax Dipole:A fully flexible coaxial cable dipole antenna with flattened current distribution for body imaging at 7 Tesla

van Leeuwen Carel C., Steensma Bart R., Klomp Dennis W.J., van den Berg Cornelis A.T., Raaijmakers Alexander J.E. 2021, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 87 , p. 528-540 13 p.

A silent gradient axis for soundless spatial encoding to enable fast and quiet brain imaging

Versteeg Edwin, Klomp Dennis W.J., Siero Jeroen C.W. 2021, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 87 , p. 1062-1073 12 p.

No need to detune transmitters in 32-channel receiver arrays at 7 T

Gosselink Mark, Hoogduin Hans, Froeling Martijn, Klomp Dennis W J 2021, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 34

A plug-and-play, lightweight, single-axis gradient insert design for increasing spatiotemporal resolution in echo planar imaging-based brain imaging

Versteeg Edwin, van der Velden Tijl A, van Leeuwen Carel C, Borgo Martino, Huijing Erik R, Hendriks Arjan D, Hendrikse Jeroen, Klomp Dennis W J, Siero Jeroen C W 2021, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 34 13 p.

Lipid-suppressed and tissue-fraction corrected metabolic distributions in human central brain structures using 2D <sup>1</sup>H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 7 T

Bhogal Alex A, Broeders Tommy A A, Morsinkhof Lisan, Edens Mirte, Nassirpour Sahar, Chang Paul, Klomp Dennis W J, Vinkers Christiaan H, Wijnen Jannie P 20 Nov 2020, In: Brain and Behavior. 10 , p. 1-14

Introduction of the snake antenna array:Geometry optimization of a sinusoidal dipole antenna for 10.5T body imaging with lower peak SAR

Steensma Bart, van de Moortele Pierre-Francois, Ertürk Arcan, Grant Andrea, Adriany Gregor, Luijten Peter, Klomp Dennis, van den Berg Nico, Metzger Gregory, Raaijmakers Alexander Nov 2020, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84 , p. 2885-2896 12 p.

Correcting time-intensity curves in dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI for inhomogeneous excitation fields at 7T

van Rijssel Michael J., Pluim Josien P.W., Chan Hui Shan M., van den Wildenberg Lieke, Schmitz Alexander M.Th, Luijten Peter R., Gilhuijs Kenneth G.A., Klomp Dennis W.J. 1 Aug 2020, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84 , p. 1000-1010 11 p.

Metabolite cycled liver 1 H MRS on a 7 T parallel transmit system

Xavier Aline, Arteaga de Castro Catalina, Andia Marcelo E, Luijten Peter R, Klomp Dennis W, Fillmer Ariane, Prompers Jeanine J Aug 2020, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 33 14 p.

Introduction of Ultra-High-Field MR Imaging in Infants:Preparations and Feasibility

Annink K V, van der Aa N E, Dudink J, Alderliesten T, Groenendaal F, Lequin M, Jansen F E, Rhebergen K S, Luijten P, Hendrikse J, Hoogduin H J M, Huijing E R, Versteeg E, Visser F, Raaijmakers A J E, Wiegers E C, Klomp D W J, Wijnen J P, Benders M J N L 30 Jul 2020, In: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 41 , p. 1532-1537 6 p.

T2* mapping in an equine articular groove model:Visualizing changes in collagen orientation

Brinkhof Sander, Te Moller Nikae, Froeling Martijn, Brommer Harold, van Weeren René, Ito Keita, Klomp Dennis 3 Jun 2020, In: Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 38 , p. 2383-2389 7 p.

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