
ir. B.C. Venmans

ir. B.C. Venmans

Full Professor

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Research Output (167)

Proton metabolic mapping of the brain at 7 T using a two-dimensional free induction decay-echo-planar spectroscopic imaging readout with lipid suppression

Nam Kyung Min, Hendriks Arjan D, Boer Vincent O, Klomp Dennis W J, Wijnen Jannie P, Bhogal Alex A Oct 2022, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 35

Identifying the source of spurious signals caused by B 0 inhomogeneities in single-voxel H MRS.

Shams Zahra, Klomp Dennis W J, Boer Vincent O, Wijnen Jannie P, Wiegers Evita C Jul 2022, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 88 , p. 71-82 12 p.

Residual quadrupolar couplings observed in 7 Tesla deuterium MR spectra of skeletal muscle

Gursan Ayhan, Froeling Martijn, Hendriks Arjan D., Welting Dimitri, Kentgens Arno P.M., Klomp Dennis W.J., Prompers Jeanine J. Mar 2022, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 87 , p. 1165-1173 9 p.

RF Coil Setup for P-31 MRSI in Tongue Cancer in vivo at 7 T

Forner Ria, Nam Kyungmin, de Koning Klijs J., van der Velden Tijl, van der Kemp Wybe, Raaijmakers Alexander, Klomp Dennis W.J. 2 Nov 2021, In: Frontiers in Neurology. 12 , p. 1-11

A local multi-transmit coil combined with a high-density receive array for cerebellar fMRI at 7 T

Priovoulos Nikos, Roos Thomas, Ipek Özlem, Meliado Ettore F, Nkrumah Richard O, Klomp Dennis W J, van der Zwaag Wietske Nov 2021, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 34 , p. 1-13

Potential Reduction of Peripheral Local SAR for a Birdcage Body Coil at 3 Tesla Using a Magnetic Shield

van Leeuwen C. C., Steensma B. R., Glybovski S. B., Lunenburg M. F.J., Simovski C., Klomp D. W.J., van den Berg C. A.T., Raaijmakers A. J.E. 8 Oct 2021, In: FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS. 9

Comparison of 2-Hydroxyglutarate Detection With sLASER and MEGA-sLASER at 7T

Shams Zahra, van der Kemp Wybe J M, Emir Uzay, Dankbaar Jan Willem, Snijders Tom J, de Vos Filip Y F, Klomp Dennis W J, Wijnen Jannie P, Wiegers Evita C 7 Sep 2021, In: Frontiers in Neurology. 12 , p. 1-10

SAR and temperature distributions in a database of realistic human models for 7 T cardiac imaging

Steensma Bart R., Meliado Ettore F., Luijten Peter, Klomp Dennis W. J., van den Berg Cornelis A. T., Raaijmakers Alexander J. E. Jul 2021, In: NMR in Biomedicine. 34 , p. 1-14

Evaluation of the radiofrequency performance of a wide-bore 1.5 T positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging body coil for radiotherapy planning

Branderhorst Woutjan, Steensma Bart R., Beijst Casper, Huijing Erik R., Alborahal Cezar, Versteeg Edwin, Weissler Bjoern, Schug David, Gebhardt Pierre, Gross-Weege Nicolas, Mueller Florian, Krueger Karl, Dey Thomas, Radermacher Harald, Lips Oliver, Lagendijk Jan, Schulz Volkmar, de Jong Hugo W.A.M., Klomp Dennis W.J. Apr 2021, In: Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 17 , p. 13-19 7 p.

PCA denoising and Wiener deconvolution of <sup>31</sup>P 3D CSI data to enhance effective SNR and improve point spread function

Froeling Martijn, Prompers Jeanine J, Klomp Dennis W J, van der Velden Tijl A 1 Feb 2021, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 85 , p. 2992-3009 18 p.

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