
prof. dr. ir. B.C.C. van der Luttikhuizen

prof. dr. ir. B.C.C. van der Luttikhuizen

Associate Professor

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Research Output (150)

Molecular regulation of cardiac inward rectifier potassium vhannels by pharmacologic agents

Sanchez-Chapula J.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2013, p. 129-137 9 p.

Inhibition of cardiac inward rectifier currents by cationic amphiphilic drugs

van der Heyden M.A.G., Stary-Weinzinger A., Sanchez-Chapula J.A. 2013, In: Current Molecular Medicine. 13 , p. 1284-1298 15 p.

Dominant missense mutations in ABCC9 cause Cantu syndrome

Harakalova M., van Harssel J.J.T., Terhal P.A., van Lieshout S., Duran K.J., Renkens I.J., Amor D.J., Wilson L.C., Kirk E.P., Turner C.L.S., Shears D., Garcia-Minaur S., Lees M.M., Ross A., Venselaar H., Vriend G., Takanari H., Rook M.B., van der Heyden M.A.G., Asselbergs F.W., Breur J.M.P.J., Swinkels M.E.M., Scurr I.J., Smithson S.F., Knoers V.V.A.M., van der Smagt J.J., Nijman I.J., Kloosterman W.P., van Haelst M.M., van Haaften G.W., Cuppen E.P.J.G. 11 May 2012,

Comparison of the I(Kr) blockers moxifloxacin, dofetilide and E-4031 in five screening models of pro-arrhythmia reveals lack of specificity of isolated cardiomyocytes.

Nalos L., Varkevisser R., Jonsson M.K.B., Houtman M.J.C., Beekman H.D.M., van der Nagel R., Thomsen M.B., Duker G., Sartipy P., de Boer T.P., Peschar M., Rook M.B., van Veen A.A.B., van der Heyden M.A.G., Vos M.A. 2012, In: British Journal of Pharmacology. 165 , p. 467-478 12 p.

Dominant missense mutations in ABCC9 cause Cantú syndrome

Harakalova M., van Harssel J.J.T., Terhal P.A., van Lieshout S., Duran K.J., Renkens I.J., Amor D.J., Wilson L.C., Kirk E.P., Turner C.L., Shears D., Garcia-Minaur S., Lees M.M., Ross A., Venselaar H., Vriend G., Takanari H., Rook M.B., van der Heyden M.A. , Asselbergs F.W., Breur J.M.P.J., Swinkels M.E., Scurr I.J., Smithson S.F., Knoers V.V.A.M., van der Smagt J.J., Nijman I.J., Kloosterman W.P., van Haelst M.M., van Haaften G.W., Cuppen E.P.J.G. 2012, In: Nature Genetics. 44 , p. 793-796 4 p.

Experimental Mapping of the Canine KCNJ2 and KCNJ12 Gene Structures and Functional Analysis of the Canine K(IR)2.2 ion Channel.

Houtman M.J.C., Takanari H., Kok G.J.M., van Eck M., Montagne D.R., Vos M.A., de Boer T.P., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2012, In: Frontiers in Physiology [E]. 3 , p. 1-9 9 p.

Beat-to-beat variability of repolarization as a new biomarker for proarrhythmia in vivo.

Varkevisser R., Wijers S.C., van der Heyden M.A.G., Beekman H.D.M., Meine M., Vos M.A. 2012, In: Heart Rhythm. 9 , p. 1718-1726 9 p.

Verapamil as an antiarrhythmic agent in congestive heart failure: hopping from rabbit to human?

Stams T.R.G., Bourgonje V.J.A., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2012, In: British Journal of Pharmacology. 166 , p. 554-556 3 p.

Reorganized PKA-AKAP associations in the failing human heart

Aye T.T., Soni S., van Veen T.A.B., van der Heyden M.A.G., Cappadona S., Varro A., de Weger R.A., de Jonge N., Vos M.A., Heck A.J.R., Scholten A. 2012, In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 52 , p. 511-518 8 p.

Grayanotoxin poisoning: 'mad honey disease' and beyond.

Jansen S.A., Kleerekooper I., Hofman Z.L.M., Kappen I.F.P.M., Stary-Weinzinger A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2012, In: Cardiovascular Toxicology. 12 , p. 208-215 8 p.

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