
prof. dr. ir. B.C.C. van der Luttikhuizen

prof. dr. ir. B.C.C. van der Luttikhuizen

Associate Professor

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Research Output (150)

Barium toxicity and the role of the potassium inward rectifier current.

Bhoelan S.B.S., Stevering C.H., van der Boog A.T.J., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2014, In: Clinical Toxicology . 52 , p. 584-593 10 p.

Insights in KIR2.1 channel structure and function by an evolutionary approach; cloning and functional characterization of the first reptilian inward rectifier channel KIR2.1, derived from the California kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae)

Houtman M.J.C., Korte S., JI Y., Kok G.J.M., Vos M.A., Stary-Weinzinger A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2014, In: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 452 , p. 992-997 6 p.

Molecular Regulation of Cardiac Inward Rectifier Potassium Channels by Pharmacologic Agents

Sánchez-Chapula José A., van der Heyden Marcel A.G. 2014, p. 129-137 9 p.

Inhibiting the clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway rescues (KIR)2.1 downregulation by pentamidine

Varkevisser R., Houtman M.J.C., Waasdorp M., Man J.C., Heukers R., Takanari H., Tieland R.G., van Bergen en Henegouwen P.M.P., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A. 2013, In: Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology. 465 , p. 247-259 13 p.

Remodeling of the cardiac sodium channel, connexin43, and plakoglobin at the intercalated disk in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

Noorman Maartje, Hakim Sara, Kessler Elise, Groeneweg Judith A., Cox Moniek G P J, Asimaki Angeliki, van Rijen Harold V. M. , Van Stuijvenberg Leonie, Chkourko Halina, Van Der Heyden Marcel A G, Vos Marc A., De Jonge Nicolaas, Van Der Smagt Jasper J., Dooijes Dennis, Vink Aryan, De Weger Roel A., Varro Andras, De Bakker Jacques M T, Saffitz Jeffrey E., Hund Thomas J., Mohler Peter J., Delmar Mario, Hauer Richard N W, Van Veen Toon A B 2013, In: Heart Rhythm. 10 , p. 412-419 8 p.

Reduced plakoglobin immunoreactivity in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy:methodological considerations

Noorman Maartje, Hakim S., Asimaki A., Vreeker A., van Rijen H.V.M., van der Heyden M.A.G., de Jonge N., de Weger R.A., Hauer R.N.W., Saffitz J.E., van Veen A.A.B. 2013, In: Cardiovascular Pathology. 22 , p. 314-318 5 p.

Structure-activity relationships of pentamidine-affected ion channel trafficking and dofetilide mediated rescue

Varkevisser R., Houtman M.J.C., de Git K.C., Beekman H.D.M., Tidwell R.R., IJzerman A.P., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2013, In: British Journal of Pharmacology. 169 , p. 1322-1334 13 p.

Vernakalant is devoid of proarrhythmic effects in the complete AV block dog model

Varkevisser R., van der Heyden M.A.G., Tieland R.G., Beekman H.D.M., Vos M.A. 2013, In: European Journal of Pharmacology. 720 , p. 49-54 6 p.

Efficient and specific cardiac IK₁ inhibition by a new pentamidine analogue

Takanari H., Nalos L., Stary-Weinzinger A., de Git K.C., Varkevisser R., Linder T., Houtman M.J.C., Peschar M., de Boer T.P., Tidwell R.R., Rook M.B., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2013, In: Cardiovascular Research. 99 , p. 214 1 p.

Cardiac ion channel trafficking defects and drugs

de Git K.C., de Boer T.P., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2013, In: Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 139 , p. 24-31 8 p.

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