
dr. L.M.M. (Folkert) Lenferink

dr. L.M.M. (Folkert) Lenferink

Full Professor

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Research Output (456)

Antihypertensive treatment and risk of cancer:an individual participant data meta-analysis

Copland Emma, Canoy Dexter, Nazarzadeh Milad, Bidel Zeinab, Ramakrishnan Rema, Woodward Mark, Chalmers John, Teo Koon K., Pepine Carl J., Davis Barry R., Kjeldsen Sverre, Sundström Johan, Rahimi Kazem, Adler A., Agodoa L., Algra A., Asselbergs F. W., Beckett N., Berge E., Black H., Brouwers F. P.J., Brown M., Bulpitt C. J., Byington B., Chalmers J., Cushman W. C., Cutler J., Davis B. R., Devereaux R. B., Dwyer J., Estacio R., Fagard R., Fox K., Fukui T., Gupta A. K., Holman R. R., Imai Y., Ishii M., Julius S., Kanno Y., Kjeldsen S. E., Kostis J., Kuramoto K., Lanke J., Lewis E., Lewis J., Lievre M., Lindholm L. H., Patel A., Wang J., Apr 2021, In: The Lancet Oncology. 22 , p. 558-570 13 p.

Propensity score-based analysis of long-term outcome of patients on HeartWare and HeartMate 3 left ventricular assist device support

Numan Lieke, Ramjankhan Faiz Z., Oberski Daniel L., Oerlemans Martinus I.F.J., Aarts Emmeke, Gianoli Monica, Van Der Heijden Joris J., De Jonge Nicolaas, Van Der Kaaij Niels P., Meuwese Christiaan L., Mokhles Mostafa M., Oppelaar Anne Marie, De Waal Eric E.C., Asselbergs Folkert W., Van Laake Linda W. Apr 2021, In: ESC heart failure. 8 , p. 1596-1603 8 p.

Massive expansion and cryopreservation of functional human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes

Maas Renee G.C., Lee Soah, Harakalova Magdalena, Snijders Blok Christian J.B., Goodyer William R., Hjortnaes Jesper, Doevendans Pieter A.F.M., Van Laake Linda W., van der Velden Jolanda, Asselbergs Folkert W., Wu Joseph C., Sluijter Joost P.G., Wu Sean M., Buikema Jan W. 19 Mar 2021, In: STAR protocols. 2

End-stage kidney disease in patients with clinically manifest vascular disease; incidence and risk factors:results from the UCC-SMART cohort study

Østergaard Helena Bleken, Westerink Jan, Verhaar Marianne C, Bots Michiel L, Asselbergs Folkert W, de Borst Gert J, Kappelle L Jaap, Visseren Frank L J, van der Leeuw Joep, 13 Mar 2021, In: Journal of Nephrology. 34 , p. 1511-1520 10 p.

Relationship between classic vascular risk factors and cumulative recurrent cardiovascular event burden in patients with clinically manifest vascular disease:Results from the UCC-SMART prospective cohort study

De Vries Tamar Irene, Westerink Jan, Bots Michiel L., Asselbergs Folkert W., Smulders Yvo M., Visseren Frank L.J. 8 Mar 2021, In: BMJ Open. 11 , p. 1-10

Temporal trends in heart failure medication prescription in a population-based cohort study

Uijl Alicia, Vaartjes Ilonca, Denaxas S, Hemingway Harry, Shah Anoop, Cleland J, Grobbee Diederick, Hoes Arno, Asselbergs Folkert W, Koudstaal Stefan 2 Mar 2021, In: BMJ Open. 11 , p. 1-9

Genome-wide analysis identifies novel susceptibility loci for myocardial infarction

Hartiala Jaana A, Han Yi, Jia Qiong, Hilser James R, Huang Pin, Gukasyan Janet, Schwartzman William S, Cai Zhiheng, Biswas Subarna, Trégouët David-Alexandre, Smith Nicholas L, Seldin Marcus, Pan Calvin, Mehrabian Margarete, Lusis Aldons J, Bazeley Peter, Sun Yan V, Liu Chang, Quyyumi Arshed A, Scholz Markus, Thiery Joachim, Delgado Graciela E, Kleber Marcus E, März Winfried, Howe Laurence J, Asselbergs Folkert W, van Vugt Marion, Vlachojannis Georgios J, Patel Riyaz S, Lyytikäinen Leo-Pekka, Kähönen Mika, Lehtimäki Terho, Nieminen Tuomo V M, Kuukasjärvi Pekka, Laurikka Jari O, Chang Xuling, Heng Chew-Kiat, Jiang Rong, Kraus William E, Hauser Elizabeth R, Ferguson Jane F, Reilly Muredach P, Ito Kaoru, Koyama Satoshi, Kamatani Yoichiro, Komuro Issei, Stolze Lindsey K, Romanoski Casey E, Khan Mohammad Daud, Turner Adam W, 1 Mar 2021, In: European heart journal. 42 , p. 919-933 15 p.

Diagnosis and risk prediction of dilated cardiomyopathy in the era of big data and genomics

Sammani Arjan, Baas Annette F., Asselbergs Folkert W., Te Riele Anneline S.J.M. 1 Mar 2021, In: Journal of Clinical medicine. 10 , p. 1-16 16 p.

Novel CineECG enables anatomical 3D localization and classification of bundle branch blocks

Boonstra MacHteld J., Hilderink Bashar N., Locati Emanuela T., Asselbergs Folkert W., Loh Peter, Van Dam Peter M. 1 Mar 2021, In: Europace. 23 , p. I80-I87

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