
drs. U.V.V. (Frank ) Kreek

drs. U.V.V. (Frank ) Kreek

Full Professor

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Research Output (516)

Intracranial Atherosclerotic Burden on 7T MRI Is Associated with Markers of Extracranial Atherosclerosis:The SMART-MR Study

Zwartbol M. H. T., Geerlings M. I., Ghaznawi R., Hendrikse J., van der Kolk A. G., Asselbergs F. W., Nathoe H. M., de Borst G. J., Bots M. L., Emmelot M. H., de Jong P. A., Leiner T., Lely A. T., van der Kaaij N. P., Kappelle L. J., Ruigrok Y. M., Verhaar M. C., Visseren F. L. J., Westerink J., 5 Dec 2019, In: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 40 , p. 2016-2022 7 p.

Treatment of hypercholesterolaemia in older adults calls for a patient-centred approach

Kleipool Emma E.F., Dorresteijn Johannes A.N., Smulders Yvo M., Visseren Frank L.J., Peters Mike J.L., Muller Majon 28 Nov 2019, In: Heart. 106 , p. 261-266 6 p.

Normal-range thyroid-stimulating hormone levels and cardiovascular events and mortality in type 2 diabetes

de Vries Tamar I., de Valk Harold W., van der Graaf Yolanda, de Borst Gert J., Cramer Maarten J.M., Jaap Kappelle L., Visseren Frank L.J., Westerink Jan 16 Oct 2019, In: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 157

Heterogeneity of treatment effects from an intensive lifestyle weight loss intervention on cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes:Data from the look AHEAD trial

De Vries Tamar I., Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Van Der Graaf Yolanda, Visseren Frank L.J., Westerink Jan 1 Oct 2019, In: Diabetes Care. 42 , p. 1988-1994 7 p.

Choosing the right strategy based on individualized treatment effect predictions: Combination versus sequential chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Koopman M., Kwakman J. J., van Kruijsdijk R. C. M., Elias S. G., Seymour M. T., Meade A. M., Visseren F., Punt C. J. A. Oct 2019, In: Annals of Oncology. 30

Risk prediction tools in cardiovascular disease prevention:A report from the ESC Prevention of CVD Programme led by the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) in collaboration with the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA) and the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP)

Rossello Xavier, Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Janssen Arne, Lambrinou Ekaterini, Scherrenberg Martijn, Bonnefoy-Cudraz Eric, Cobain Mark, Piepoli Massimo F., Visseren Frank L.J., Dendale Paul Oct 2019, In: European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 18 , p. 534-544 11 p.

Estimating individual lifetime benefit and bleeding risk of adding rivaroxaban to aspirin for patients with stable cardiovascular disease:results from the COMPASS trial

de Vries Tamar I., Eikelboom John W., Bosch Jackie, Westerink Jan, Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Alings Marco, Dyal Leanne, Berkowitz Scott D., van der Graaf Yolanda, Fox Keith A.A., Visseren Frank L.J. 1 Sep 2019, In: European Heart Journal. 40 , p. 3771-3778a

The relation between systemic inflammation and incident cancer in patients with stable cardiovascular disease:a cohort study

Van't Klooster Cilie C, Ridker Paul M, Hjortnaes Jesper, van der Graaf Yolanda, Asselbergs Folkert W, Westerink Jan, Aerts Joachim G J V, Visseren Frank L J, 1 Sep 2019, In: European Heart Journal. 40 , p. 3901-3909 9 p.

Risk prediction tools in cardiovascular disease prevention: A report from the ESC Prevention of CVD Programme led by the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) in collaboration with the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA) and the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP)

Rossello Xavier, Dorresteijn Jannick A. N., Janssen Arne, Lambrinou Ekaterini, Scherrenberg Martijn, Bonnefoy-Cudraz Eric, Cobain Mark, Piepoli Massimo F., Visseren Frank L. J., Dendale Paul Sep 2019, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 26 , p. 1534-1544 11 p.

2019 ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias:Lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk

Mach François, Baigent Colin, Catapano Alberico L., Koskina Konstantinos C., Casula Manuela, Badimon Lina, Chapman M. John, De Backer Guy G., Delgado Victoria, Ference Brian A., Graham Ian M., Halliday Alison, Landmesser Ulf, Mihaylova Borislava, Pedersen Terje R., Riccardi Gabriele, Richter Dimitrios J., Sabatine Marc S., Taskinen Marja Riitta, Tokgozoglu Lale, Wiklund Olov, Windecker Stephan, Aboyans Victor, Collet Jean Philippe, Dean Veronica, Fitzsimons Donna, Gale Chris P., Grobbee Diederick, Halvorsen Sigrun, Hindricks Gerhard, Iung Bernard, Jüni Peter, Katus Hugo A., Leclercq Christophe, Lettino Maddalena, Lewis Basil S., Merkely Bela, Mueller Christian, Petersen Steffen, Petronio Anna Sonia, Roffi Marco, Shlyakhto Evgeny, Simpson Iain A., Sousa-Uva Miguel, Touyz Rhian M., Nibouche Djamaleddine, Zelveian Parounak H., Siostrzonek Peter, Najafov Ruslan, Visseren Frank, , , 31 Aug 2019, In: Atherosclerosis. 290 , p. 140-205 66 p.

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