
dr. ir. O.P.P. (Julia) Geurds

dr. ir. O.P.P. (Julia) Geurds

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (51)

Functional categories of immune inhibitory receptors

Rumpret Matevž, Drylewicz Julia, Ackermans Laura J.E., Borghans José A.M., Medzhitov Ruslan, Meyaard Linde 1 Jan 2020, In: Nature Reviews. Immunology. 20 , p. 771-780 10 p.

Dupilumab is very effective in a large cohort of difficult-to-treat adult atopic dermatitis patients:First clinical and biomarker results from the BioDay registry

Ariëns Lieneke F M, van der Schaft Jorien, Bakker Daphne S, Balak Deepak, Romeijn Margreet L E, Kouwenhoven Tessa, Kamsteeg Marijke, Giovannone Barbara, Drylewicz Julia, van Amerongen Cynthia Catalina Aurora, Delemarre Evelien M, Knol Edward F, van Wijk Femke, Nierkens Stefan, Thijs Judith L, Schuttelaar Marie L A, de Bruin-Weller Marjolein S 1 Jan 2020, In: Allergy. 75 , p. 116-126 11 p.

Confirmation of multiple endotypes in atopic dermatitis based on serum biomarkers

Bakker Daphne S, Nierkens Stefan, Knol Edward F, Giovannone Barbara, Delemarre Eveline M, van der Schaft Jorien, van Wijk Femke, de Bruin-Weller Marjolein S, Drylewicz Julia, Thijs Judith L 2020, In: The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 147 , p. 189-198 10 p.

Targeted Proteomics Reveals Inflammatory Pathways that Classify Immune Dysregulation in Common Variable Immunodeficiency

Berbers Roos-Marijn, Drylewicz Julia, Ellerbroek Pauline M, van Montfrans Joris M, Dalm Virgil A S H, van Hagen P Martin, Keller Baerbel, Warnatz Klaus, van de Ven Annick, van Laar Jaap M, Nierkens Stefan, Leavis Helen L 2020, In: Journal of Clinical Immunology. 41 , p. 362-373 12 p.

Early identification of atopic dermatitis patients in need of systemic immunosuppressive treatment

Bakker Daphne S., Drylewicz Julia, Nierkens Stefan, Knol Edward F., Giovannone Barbara, Delemarre Eveline M., van der Schaft Jorien, Balak Deepak M.W., de Bruin-Weller Marjolein S., Thijs Judith L. Dec 2019, In: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 49 , p. 1641-1644 4 p.

Biomarkers detected in dried blood spots from atopic dermatitis patients strongly correlate with disease severity

Thijs Judith L., Fiechter Renée, Giovannone Barbara, de Bruin-Weller Marjolein S., Knol Edward F., Bruijnzeel-Koomen Carla A.F.M., Drylewicz Julia, Nierkens Stefan, Hijnen Dirk Jan Nov 2019, In: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 74 , p. 2240-2243 4 p.

Predicting treatment response to methotrexate in atopic dermatitis patients using clinical characteristics and serum biomarkers

Ariens L., Thijs J., Bakker D., Drylewicz J., Nierkens Stefan, Knol E., Delemarre E., Balak D., van der Schaft J., de Bruin-Weller M. Sep 2019, In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 139 , p. S287-S287

Early identification of atopic dermatitis patients in need of systemic immunosuppressive treatment

Bakker D., Drylewicz J., Nierkens S., Knol E., van der Schaft J., Delemarre E., Balak D., de Bruin-Weller M., Thijs J. Sep 2019, In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 139 , p. S286-S286

Endotyping of adult and paediatric atopic dermatitis; is it one disease?

Thijs J., Bakker D., Delemarre E., de Graaf M., Knol E., Drylewicz J., van Wijk F., Nierkens S., de Bruin-Weller M. Sep 2019, In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 139 , p. S285-S285

Dupilumab:Eerste resultaten vanuit het BioDay-register

Ariëns Lieneke F.M., van der Schaft J., Bakker D. S., Balak D. M.W., Giovannone B., Romeijn M., Kouwenhoven T., Kamsteeg M., Drylewicz J., van Wijk F., Nierkens Stefan, Thijs J. L., Schuttelaar M. L., de Bruin-Weller M. S. 1 Apr 2019, In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie. 29 , p. 29-34 6 p.

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