
drs. ir. U. (Menno) Blezer

drs. ir. U. (Menno) Blezer

Full Professor

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Research Output (172)

Trends in blood pressure-related outcomes after adrenalectomy in patients with primary aldosteronism:A systematic review

Suurd Diederik P D, Vorselaars Wessel M C M, Van Beek Dirk-Jan, Spiering Wilko, Borel Rinkes Inne H M, Valk Gerlof D, Vriens Menno R 2020, In: American Journal of Surgery. 222 , p. 297-304 8 p.

Reply to:Assessing outcomes after adrenalectomy for unliateral primary aldosteronism

Vorselaars Wessel M.C.M., van Beek Dirk Jan, Postma Emily L., Spiering Wilko, Borel Rinkes Inne H.M., Valk Gerlof D., Vriens Menno R., 1 Dec 2019, In: Surgery (United States). 166 , p. 1200-1201 2 p.

Preoperative Computed Tomography Changes Surgical Management for Clinically Low-Risk Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

Bongers Pim J, Verzijl Raoul, Dzingala Michael, Vriens Menno R, Yu Eugene, Pasternak Jesse D, Rotstein Lorne E Dec 2019, In: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 26 , p. 4439-4444 6 p.

Conversion During Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Pheochromocytoma:A Cohort Study in 244 Patients

Schweitzer Marie laure, Nguyen-Thi Phi Linh, Mirallie Eric, Vriens Meno, Raffaelli Marco, Klein Marc, Zarnegar Rasa, Brunaud Laurent 1 Nov 2019, In: Journal of Surgical Research. 243 , p. 309-315 7 p.

Prognostic factors and survival in MEN1 patients with gastrinomas:Results from the DutchMEN study group (DMSG)

van Beek Dirk-Jan, Nell Sjoerd, Pieterman Carolina R C, de Herder Wouter W, van de Ven Annenienke C, Dekkers Olaf M, van der Horst-Schrivers Anouk N, Drent Madeleine L, Bisschop Peter H, Havekes Bas, Borel Rinkes Inne H M, Vriens Menno R, Valk Gerlof D 1 Nov 2019, In: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 120 , p. 966-975 10 p.

Validation of the Aldosteronoma Resolution Score Within Current Clinical Practice

Vorselaars Wessel M.C.M., van Beek Dirk Jan, Postma Emily L., Spiering Wilko, Borel Rinkes Inne H.M., Valk Gerlof D., Vriens Menno R., Zarnegar Rasa, Fahey Thomas J., Drake Frederick T., Duh Quan Y., Talutis Stephanie D., McAneny David B., McManus Catherine, Lee James A., Grant Scott B., Grogan Raymon H., Romero Arenas Minerva A., Perrier Nancy D., Peipert Benjamin J., Mongelli Michael N., Castelino Tanya, Mitmaker Elliot J., Parente David N., Pasternak Jesse D., Sidhu Stan B., Sywak Mark, D’Amato Gerardo, Raffaelli Marco, Schuermans Valerie, Bouvy Nicole D., Eker Hasan H., Bonjer H. Jaap, Engelsman Els J.M.Anton F., van Dijkum Nieveen, Metman Madelon J.H., Kruijff Schelto, Oct 2019, In: World Journal of Surgery. 43 , p. 2459-2468 10 p.

Publisher Correction:Enhancer signatures stratify and predict outcomes of non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (Nature Medicine, (2019), 25, 8, (1260-1265), 10.1038/s41591-019-0493-4)

Cejas Paloma, Drier Yotam, Dreijerink Koen M A, Brosens Lodewijk A A, Deshpande Vikram, Epstein Charles B, Conemans Elfi B, Morsink Folkert H M, Graham Mindy K, Valk Gerlof D, Vriens Menno R, Castillo Carlos Fernandez-Del, Ferrone Cristina R, Adar Tomer, Bowden Michaela, Whitton Holly J, Da Silva Annacarolina, Font-Tello Alba, Long Henry W, Gaskell Elizabeth, Shoresh Noam, Heaphy Christopher M, Sicinska Ewa, Kulke Matthew H, Chung Daniel C, Bernstein Bradley E, Shivdasani Ramesh A 9 Sep 2019, In: Nature Medicine. 25 , p. 1627 1 p.

Enhancer signatures stratify and predict outcomes of non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

Cejas Paloma, Drier Yotam, Dreijerink Koen M.A., Brosens Lodewijk A.A., Deshpande Vikram, Epstein Charles B., Conemans Elfi B., Morsink Folkert H.M., Graham Mindy K., Valk Gerlof D., Vriens Menno R., Castillo Carlos Fernandez del, Ferrone Cristina R., Adar Tomer, Bowden Michaela, Whitton Holly J., Da Silva Annacarolina, Font-Tello Alba, Long Henry W., Gaskell Elizabeth, Shoresh Noam, Heaphy Christopher M., Sicinska Ewa, Kulke Matthew H., Chung Daniel C., Bernstein Bradley E., Shivdasani Ramesh A. Aug 2019, In: Nature Medicine. 25 , p. 1260-1265 6 p.

Papillary Thyroid Cancers with Focal Tall Cell Change are as Aggressive as Tall Cell Variants and Should Not be Considered as Low-Risk Disease

Bongers Pim J, Kluijfhout Wouter P, Verzijl Raoul, Lustgarten Mattan, Vermeer Marloes, Goldstein David P, Devon Karen, Rotstein Lorne E, Asa Sylvia L, Brierley James D, Tsang Richard W, Ezzat Shereen, Vriens Menno R, Mete Ozgur, Pasternak Jesse D Aug 2019, In: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 26 , p. 2533-2539 7 p.

Molecular prognostic factors in small-intestinal neuroendocrine tumours

Samsom K. G., van Veenendaal L. M., Valk G. D., Vriens M. R., Tesselaar M. E.T., van den Berg J. G. 1 Jul 2019, In: Endocrine connections. 8 , p. 906-922 17 p.

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