
drs. ir. U. (Menno) Blezer

drs. ir. U. (Menno) Blezer

Full Professor

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Research Output (172)

68Ga-PSMA PET/CT in radioactive iodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer and first treatment results with 177Lu-PSMA-617

de Vries Lisa H, Lodewijk Lutske, Braat Arthur J A T, Krijger Gerard C, Valk Gerlof D, Lam Marnix G E H, Borel Rinkes Inne H M, Vriens Menno R, de Keizer Bart 6 Mar 2020, In: EJNMMI Research. 10 8 p.

Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres and Differential Expression of Endocrine Transcription Factors Distinguish Metastatic and Non-metastatic Insulinomas

Hackeng Wenzel M, Schelhaas Willemien, Morsink Folkert H M, Heidsma Charlotte M, van Eeden Susanne, Valk Gerlof D, Vriens Menno R, Heaphy Christopher M, Nieveen van Dijkum Els J M, Offerhaus G Johan A, Dreijerink Koen M A, Brosens Lodewijk A A 26 Feb 2020, In: Endocrine Pathology. 31 , p. 108-118 11 p.

The Dutch recommendation for Treatment of Pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

Lebbink Chantal, Dekker Bernadette L, Bocca Gianni, Braat Arthur, Derikx Joep P. M., Dierselhuis Miranda, de Keizer B, Kruijff Schelto, Kwast A. B.G., van Nederveen Francien H, van Dijkum Els J. Nieveen, Nievelstein Rutger A. J., Peeters Robin P, Terwisscha van Scheltinga Sheila, Tissing Wim, van der Tuin Karin, Vriens Menno, van Trotsenburg A. S. Paul, Links Thera P, van Santen HM 23 Feb 2020, 1 p.

Erratum:Correction to: Validation of the Aldosteronoma Resolution Score Within Current Clinical Practice (World journal of surgery (2019) 43 10 (2459-2468))

Vorselaars Wessel M.C.M., van Beek Dirk Jan, Postma Emily L., Spiering Wilko, Rinkes Inne H.M.Borel, Valk Gerlof D., Vriens Menno R., Engelsman Anton F., Nieveen van Dijkum Els J.M., 1 Jan 2020, In: World Journal of Surgery. 44 , p. 323 1 p.

Differences in long-term quality of life between hemithyroidectomy and total thyroidectomy in patients treated for low-risk differentiated thyroid carcinoma

Bongers Pim J., Greenberg Caylee A., Hsiao Ralph, Vermeer Marloes, Vriens Menno R., Holzik Martijn F. Lutke, Goldstein David P., Devon Karen, Rotstein Lorne E., Sawka Anna M., Pasternak Jesse D. Jan 2020, In: Surgery. 167 , p. 94-101 8 p.

Socioeconomic status significantly contributes to the likelihood of immediate postmastectomy breast reconstruction in the Netherlands:A nationwide study

Filipe M. D., Siesling S., Vriens M. R., van Diest P. J., Witkamp A. J., Mureau M. A.M. 2020, In: European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 47 , p. 245-250 6 p.

Patient-reported outcomes of ductoscopy procedures for pathologic nipple discharge

Filipe M. D., Simons J. M., Moeliker L., Waaijer L., Vriens M. R., van Diest P. J., Witkamp A. J. 2020, In: Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan). 28 , p. 471-477 7 p.

Perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infections increase mortality, pulmonary complications, and thromboembolic events:A Dutch, multicenter, matched-cohort clinical study

Jonker Pascal K.C., van der Plas Willemijn Y., Steinkamp Pieter J., Poelstra Ralph, Emous Marloes, van der Meij Wout, Thunnissen Floris, Bierman Wouter F.W., Struys Michel M.R.F., de Reuver Philip R., Kruijff Schelto, Boerma Djamilla, Gerritsen Sarah L., van Petersen André S., Stevens Charles T., van Sambeek Marc, Hölscher Marleen, Pronk Apollo, Vriens Patrick Whe, Houwen Thymen, Wegdam Johannes A., de Vries Reilingh Tammo S., Schipper Ellis, Teeuwen Pascal HE, van Ginhoven Tessa M., Viëtor Charlotte, van der Oest Mark JW, Gans Sarah, van Duijvendijk Peter, Herklots Tanneke, de Hoop Tom, de Graaff Michelle, Sloothaak Didi, Bolster - van Eenennaam Marieke, Baaij Jedidja, Vermaas Maarten, Voigt Kelly R., Patijn Gijs A., Bransma Amarins TA, Leclercq Wouter KG, Sijmons Julie ML, Uittenbogaart Martine, Verheijen Paul M., Burghgraef Thijs A., Teunissen Manon, Bachiri Said, Groen Lennaert CB, Thunissen Floris M., Richir Milan C., Vriens Menno R., 2020, In: Surgery (United States). 169 , p. 264-274 11 p.

Network Meta-analysis for the Diagnostic Approach to Pathologic Nipple Discharge

Filipe Mando D., Patuleia Susanna I.S., de Jong Valentijn M.T., Vriens Menno R., van Diest Paul J., Witkamp Arjen J. 2020, In: Clinical breast cancer. 20 , p. e723-e748

Prognosis after surgery for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-related pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors:Functionality matters

van Beek Dirk-Jan, Nell Sjoerd, Verkooijen Helena M, Borel Rinkes Inne H M, Valk Gerlof D, Vriens Menno R, Goudet Pierre, Santucci Nicolas, Bartsch Detlef K, Manoharan Jerena, Perrier Nancy D, Zagzag Jonathan, Brandi Maria Luisa, Giusti Francesca, Nilubol Naris, Brunaud Laurent, Pasternak Jesse D, Hsiao Ralph, Sturgeon Cord, Giri Sneha, Conemans Elfi B, Brosens Lodewijk A, Bonsing Bert A, van Eijck Casper H, van Goor Harry, de Kleine Ruben H J, Nieveen van Dijkum Elisabeth J, Kazemier Geert, Dejong Cornelis H C, 2020, In: Surgery. 169 , p. 963-973 11 p.

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