
Career development

Career development

Through our talent development programs we seek to highlight the achievements of our researchers and research partners. Please refer to the careers link to join our team.

TULIPS programuitklapper, klik om te openen

New researchers within the Child Health program are actively stimulated to participate in the national TULIPS program (Training Upcoming Leaders in Pediatric Science), an initiative of the Dutch Society for Childcare with Louis Bont, PI in RSV infections as one of the leaders. The vision of TULIPS is that high-quality research is required to improve child health. TULIPS has the mission to empower young clinician scientists to become international competitive researchers. Therefore, TULIPS provides two selective 2-year curricula for PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows respectively.

Both curricula provide interactive training sessions and weekend educational retreats to create opportunities for collaboration and to enhance competences required to become successful in Pediatric Science. To date, participation of all our high potential PhD candidates and post docs is highly encouraged and appreciated. Together with Tulips, Child Health explores possibilities to develop an e-learning module that addresses the specific problems of translational research in the context of Child Health (joint project with Elevate and the Eureka institute).

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EUREKA Instituteuitklapper, klik om te openen

The Eureka Institute of Translational Medicine is the result from a close collaboration between the UMC Utrecht (initiated by Prakken, PI in chronic inflammation), various other top universities (Bujernham Institute, Yale, UCL, University of Gent & Toronto), institutions (TIP, CTMM), foundations (Dutch Arthritis Foundation) and industry (Danone Research, Pfizer). Nature Medicine has adopted the program. The Eureka Institute is initiated to develop an international community of translational medicine professionals equipped to catalyze the application of discoveries for the benefit of human health. Within the framework of the Annual International Certificate Program (7-day course that is offered by the Eureka Institute in close cooperation with Elevate, an initiative of the UMC Utrecht Julius Center and Utrecht University),

a special program has been developed for researchers appointed within Child Health. The program stimulates new researchers within Child Health in crucial areas; namely teambuilding and collaboration; critical thinking and problem solving; translational medicine and valorization. In collaboration with the Eureka Institute, Child Health also organizes master classes with international renowned facilitators for young talents in Child Health. These initiatives together with the forming of a joint meeting place for Child Health researchers, help to establish a cultural shift that may safeguard a long-lasting fruitful collaborative research program.

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Summer Schoolsuitklapper, klik om te openen

The Child Health program hosts several Summer Schools during summer. The aim is to introduce global child health among young doctors and master students and to stimulate working in an international environment.

> More information about the Summer Schools

Boost Grantsuitklapper, klik om te openen

One of the main strategic themes of the Child Health program is interdisciplinarity in research. To stimulate young investigators to share their research experiences with colleagues outside their own professional expertise, the Child Health program has launched the annual Boost Grants. Young investigators within the program are asked to submit research proposals in collaboration with one or more other investigators in the program they have never worked with before. This annually results in 15-20 new research ideas that are presented and discussed during general Child Health meetings. The three best ideas are rewarded with an amount of 15 k Euros, to start the research and generate pilot data for future larger grant-applications outside the UMC.

Wilhelmina Children's Hospital research commiteeuitklapper, klik om te openen

The WKZ research committee originated from the idea of connecting researchers in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ), but also wanted to bring residents and researchers, both working in the WKZ, closer together. The WKZ research committee consists of PhD candidates and postdocs working at the WKZ. More information about the goals and target group of the WKZ research committee can be found in the vision document. The WKZ research committee organises once a year a WKZ research afternoon, 3 to 4 times a year a WKZ research lunch meeting and other research-related activities.

 For employees of the WKZ or the University Medical Center Utrecht, more information about the WKZ research committee can be found on the intranet, including the introduction document for new WKZ researchers (in Dutch).

PROUT (PhD Network Utrecht) has drawn up a PhD Guide with information about the whole process of a PhD trajectory and beyond. If you want to receive e-mails from the WKZ research committee or register (as) a new researcher, you can contact them via


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