
ing. S.T. (Joost) Verhoeff

ing. S.T. (Joost) Verhoeff

Associate Professor - medical

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Research Output (116)

Ultra-central lung tumors:safety and efficacy of protracted stereotactic body radiotherapy

Lodeweges Joyce E, van Rossum Peter S N, Bartels Marcia M T J, van Lindert Anne S R, Pomp Jacqueline, Peters Max, Verhoeff Joost J C 30 Jun 2021, In: Acta Oncologica. 60 , p. 1061-1068 8 p.

Simultaneous multi-slice accelerated 4D-MRI for radiotherapy guidance

Keijnemans Katrinus, Borman Pim T S, van Lier Astrid L H M W, Verhoeff Joost J C, Raaymakers Bas W, Fast Martin F 7 Apr 2021, In: Physics in medicine and biology. 66

Initial Clinical Experience of MR-Guided Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Crockett Cathryn B, Samson Pamela, Chuter Robert, Dubec Michael, Faivre-Finn Corinne, Green Olga L, Hackett Sara L, McDonald Fiona, Robinson Clifford, Shiarli Anna-Maria, Straza Michael W, Verhoeff Joost J C, Werner-Wasik Maria, Vlacich Gregory, Cobben David 10 Mar 2021, In: Frontiers in oncology. 11 , p. 617681

Combining radiotherapy and focused ultrasound for pain palliation of cancer induced bone pain; a stage I/IIa study according to the IDEAL framework

Bartels Marcia M T J, Verpalen Inez M, Ferrer Cyril J, Slotman Derk J, Phernambucq Erik C J, Verhoeff Joost J C, Eppinga Wietse S C, Braat Manon N G J A, van den Hoed Rolf D, van 't Veer-Ten Kate Miranda, de Boer Erwin, Naber Harry R, Nijholt Ingrid M, Bartels Lambertus W, Bos Clemens, Moonen Chrit T W, Boomsma Martijn F, Verkooijen Helena M Mar 2021, In: Clinical and translational radiation oncology. 27 , p. 57-63 7 p.

Prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with small cell lung cancer in The Netherlands:A population-based study

Tomassen Mathijs L, Aarts Mieke J, Peters Max, van Lindert Anne, De Ruysscher Dirk K M, Verhoeff Joost J C, van Rossum Peter S N Mar 2021, In: Clinical and translational radiation oncology. 27 , p. 157-163 7 p.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life and emotional wellbeing in patients with bone metastases treated with radiotherapy:a prospective cohort study

Bartels M M T J, Gal R, van der Velden J M, Verhoeff J J C, Verlaan J J, Verkooijen H M 25 Feb 2021, In: Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 38 , p. 209-217 9 p.

The combined use of steroids and immune checkpoint inhibitors in brain metastasis patients:a systematic review and meta-analysis

Jessurun Charissa A C, Hulsbergen Alexander F C, de Wit Anouk E, Tewarie Ishaan A, Snijders Tom J, Verhoeff Joost J C, Phillips John, Reardon David A, Mekary Rania A, Broekman Marike L D 25 Feb 2021, In: Neuro-Oncology. 23 , p. 1261-1272 12 p.

A Dutch phase III randomized multicenter trial:whole brain radiotherapy versus stereotactic radiotherapy for 4-10 brain metastases

Hartgerink Dianne, Bruynzeel Anna, Eekers Danielle, Swinnen Ans, Hurkmans Coen, Wiggenraad Ruud, Swaak-Kragten Annemarie, Dieleman Edith, van der Toorn Peter-Paul, Oei Bing, van Veelen Lieneke, Verhoeff Joost, Lagerwaard Frank, de Ruysscher Dirk, Lambin Philippe, Zindler Jaap 1 Jan 2021, In: Neuro-oncology advances. 3 , p. 1-9 9 p.

Dose-dependent volume loss in subcortical deep grey matter structures after cranial radiotherapy

Nagtegaal Steven H J, David Szabolcs, Philippens Marielle E P, Snijders Tom J, Leemans Alexander, Verhoeff Joost J C Jan 2021, In: Clinical and translational radiation oncology. 26 , p. 35-41 7 p.

Sarcoma of the Heart Treated with Stereotactic MR-Guided Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy

Pomp Jacquelien, van Asselen Bram, Tersteeg Robbert H A, Vink Aryan, Hassink Rutger J, van der Kaaij Niels P, van Aarnhem Guido E E H L, Verhoeff Joost J C 2021, In: Case Reports in Oncology. 14 , p. 453-458 6 p.

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