
prof. dr. B. (Gepke) Veneman

prof. dr. B. (Gepke) Veneman

Assistant Professor - medical

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Research Output (176)

Levergebonden glycogeenstapelingsziekten

Visser G., Rake J.P., Smit G.P.A. 2004, p. 39-48 10 p.

Nieuwe inzichten in de ziekte van Niemann-Pick B

Fuchs Sabine A., Langius F. A.A., Rijnvos W. P.M., Nikkels P. G.J., Wijburg F. A., Visser G. 2004, In: Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde. 72 , p. 235-238 4 p.

Apoptotic neutrophils in the circulation of patients with glycogen storage disease type 1b (GSD1b)

Kuijpers T.W., Maianski N.A., Tool A.T., Smit G.P.A., Rake J.P., Roos D., Visser G. 2003, In: Blood. 101 , p. 5021-5024 4 p.

Bone mineral density in children, adolescents and adults with glycogen storage disease type Ia: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study.

Rake J.P., Visser G., Huismans D., Huitema S, van der Veer E., Piers D.A., Smit G.P.A. 2003, In: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 26 , p. 371-384 14 p.

Characteristic growth pattern in male X-linked phosphorylase-b kinase deficiency (GSD IX)

Schippers H.M., Smit G.P.A., Rake J.P., Visser G. 2003, In: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.

Consensus guidelines for management of glycogen storage disease type 1b - European Study on Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1

Visser G., Rake J.P., Labrune P, Leonard J.V., Moses S, Ullrich K, Wendel U., Smit G.P.A. 2002, In: European Journal of Pediatrics. 161 , p. S120-S123 4 p.

Glycogen storage disease type I: diagnosis, management, clinical course and outcome. Results of the European Study on Glycogen Storage Disease Type I (ESGSD I)

Rake J.P., Visser G., Labrune P, Leonard J.V., Ullrich K, Smit G.P.A. 2002, In: European Journal of Pediatrics. 161 , p. S20-S34 15 p.

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in glycogen storage disease type 1b. Results of the European Study on Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1

Visser G., Rake J.P., Labrune P, Leonard J.V., Moses S, Ullrich K, Wendel U., Groenier K.H., Smit G.P.A. 2002, In: European Journal of Pediatrics. 161 , p. S83-S87 5 p.

Increased lipogenesis and resistance of lipoproteins to oxidative modification in two patients with glycogen storage disease type 1a

MD Bandsma R.H.J., Rake J.P., Visser G., PhD Neese A., MD, PhD Hellerstein M.K., van Duyvenvoorde W., Princen H.M.G., Stellaard F., Smit G.P.A., Kuipers F. 2002, In: Journal of Pediatrics. 140 , p. 256-260 5 p.

Guidelines for management of glycogen storage disease type I - European Study on Glycogen Storage Disease Type I (ESGSD I)

Rake J.P., Visser G., Labrune P, Leonard J.V., Ullrich K, Smit G.P.A. 2002, In: European Journal of Pediatrics. 161 , p. S112-S119 8 p.

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