
ir. S. (Max A.) Veldhuisen

ir. S. (Max A.) Veldhuisen

Professor Emeritus

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Research Output (642)

Image quality of conventional images of dual-layer SPECTRAL CT:a phantom study

van Ommen F, Bennink E, Vlassenbroek A, Dankbaar J W, Schilham A M R, Viergever M A, de Jong H W A M Jul 2018, In: Medical Physics. 45 , p. 3031-3042 12 p.

Selection Strategies for Atlas-Based Mosaicing of Left Atrial 3-D Transesophageal Echocardiography Data

Mulder Harriët W., van Stralen Marijn, Ren Ben, Haak Alexander, van Burken Gerard, Viergever Max A., Bosch Johan G., Pluim Josien P.W. Jul 2018, In: Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 44 , p. 1533-1543

Effects of hunger state on the brain responses to food cues across the life span

Charbonnier L, van Meer F, Johnstone A M, Crabtree D, Buosi W, Manios Yannis, Androutsos O, Giannopoulou A, Viergever M A, Smeets P A M, 1 May 2018, In: NeuroImage. 171 , p. 246-255 10 p.

Mild cerebellar injury does not significantly affect cerebral white matter microstructural organization and neurodevelopmental outcome in a contemporary cohort of preterm infants

Senden Richelle E.M., Keunen Kristin, Van Der Aa Niek E., Leemans Alexander, Isgum Ivana, Viergever Max A., Dudink Jeroen, De Vries Linda S., Groenendaal Floris, Benders Manon J.N.L. 1 May 2018, In: Pediatric Research. 83 , p. 1004-1010 7 p.

MR-based source localization for MR-guided HDR brachytherapy

Beld Ellis, Moerland Marinus A, Zijlstra Frank, Viergever Max A, Lagendijk Jan J W, Seevinck Peter R 5 Apr 2018, In: Physics in Medicine and Biology. 63 , p. 1-13

Perfusion in the contralateral breast on preoperative MRI may complement ER-pathway activity from the index tumor to stratify outcome of endocrine therapy for early-stage invasive breast cancer

Van der Velden B., Bismeijer T., Canisius S., Loo C., Lips E., Wesseling J., Viergever M., Wessels L., Gilhuijs K. Apr 2018, In: European Journal of Cancer. 92 , p. S49-S50

Deep learning analysis of the myocardium in coronary CT angiography for identification of patients with functionally significant coronary artery stenosis

Zreik Majd, Lessmann Nikolas, van Hamersvelt Robbert W., Wolterink Jelmer M., Voskuil Michiel, Viergever Max A., Leiner Tim, Išgum Ivana 1 Feb 2018, In: Medical Image Analysis. 44 , p. 72-85 14 p.

Automatic calcium scoring in low-dose chest CT using deep neural networks with dilated convolutions

Lessmann Nikolas, van Ginneken Bram, Zreik M, de Jong Pim A., de Vos Bob D., Viergever Max A., Isgum Ivana 1 Feb 2018, In: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 37 , p. 615-625 11 p.

White matter hyperintensity shape and location feature analysis on brain MRI; Proof of principle study in patients with diabetes

De Bresser Jeroen, Kuijf Hugo J., Zaanen Karlijn, Viergever Max A., Hendrikse Jeroen, Biessels Geert Jan, Van Den Berg E., Bouvy W., Brundel M., Heringa S., Kappelle L. J., Leemans A., Luijten P. R., Mali W. P.T.M., Rutten G. E.H.M., Vincken K. L., Zwanenburg J., 30 Jan 2018, In: Scientific Reports. 8 , p. 1-10

Automatic segmentation and disease classification using cardiac cine MR images

Wolterink Jelmer M., Leiner Tim, Viergever Max A., Išgum Ivana 1 Jan 2018, p. 101-110 10 p.

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