
dr. mr. H.I.I. (Alain) van Verberne

dr. mr. H.I.I. (Alain) van Verberne

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (41)

Integrated analysis of transcriptional regulation in PLN R14del cardiomyopathy

Pei J., Harakalova M., Nagyova E., Gho J. M. I. H., Sepehrkhouy S., van Dinter J., van Mil A., Buijsrogge M. P., de Jonge N., Huibers M. M., Nieuwenhuis E. E. S., den Ruijter H. M., Pasterkamp G., Doevendans P. A., Hajjar R., Mercola M., Sluijter J. P. G., de Weger R. A., Cheng C., Vink A., Mokry M., Asselbergs F. W. Jul 2019, In: European Journal of Human Genetics. 27 , p. 790-791

Modelling inherited cardiac disease using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes:progress, pitfalls and potential

van Mil Alain, Balk Geerthe Margriet, Neef Klaus, Buikema Jan Willem, Asselbergs Folkert W., Wu Sean M., Doevendans Pieter A., Sluijter Joost P.G. 1 Dec 2018, In: Cardiovascular Research. 114 , p. 1828-1842 15 p.

MMISH:Multicolor microRNA in situ hybridization for paraffin embedded samples

Lei Zhiyong, van Mil Alain, Xiao Junjie, Metz Corina H.G., van Eeuwijk Esther C.M., Doevendans Pieter A., Sluijter Joost P.G. 1 Jun 2018, In: Biotechnology Reports. 18

Engineering a 3d-bioprinted model of human heart valve disease using nanoindentation-based biomechanics

van der Valk Dewy C., van der Ven Casper F.T., Blaser Mark C., Grolman Joshua M., Wu Pin Jou, Fenton Owen S., Lee Lang H., Tibbitt Mark W., Andresen Jason L., Wen Jennifer R., Ha Anna H., Buffolo Fabrizio, Mil Alain van, Bouten Carlijn V.C., Body Simon C., Mooney David J., Sluijter Joost P.G., Aikawa Masanori, Hjortnaes Jesper, Langer Robert, Aikawa Elena 1 May 2018, In: Nanomaterials. 8

Inhibition of miR-223 reduces inflammation but not adverse cardiac remodelling after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion in vivo

Oerlemans MIFJ, van Mil A, van Eeuwijk Esther C M, Den Ouden Krista, Doevendans PA, Sluijter JPG 23 Mar 2018, In: Non-coding RNA Investigation. 2

Melt Electrowriting Allows Tailored Microstructural and Mechanical Design of Scaffolds to Advance Functional Human Myocardial Tissue Formation

Castilho Miguel, van Mil Alain, Maher Malachy, Metz Corina H.G., Hochleitner Gernot, Groll Jürgen, Doevendans Pieter A., Ito Keita, Sluijter Joost P.G., Malda Jos 1 Jan 2018, In: Advanced Functional Materials. 28 10 p.

In vitro 3D model and miRNA drug delivery to target calcific aortic valve disease

van der Ven Casper F T, Wu Pin Jou, Tibbitt Mark W., Van Mil Alain, Sluijter Joost P G, Langer Robert, Aikawa Elena 2017, In: Clinical Science. 131 , p. 181-195 15 p.

MicroRNA-132/212 family enhances arteriogenesis after hindlimbischaemia through modulation of the Ras-MAPK pathway

Lei Zhiyong, van Mil Alain, Brandt Maarten M., Grundmann Sebastian, Hoefer Imo, Smits Michiel, el Azzouzi Hamid, Fukao Taro, Cheng Caroline, Doevendans Pieter A., Sluijter Joost P. G. Aug 2015, In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 19 , p. 1994-2005 12 p.

MicroRNA therapeutics for cardiac regeneration

Lei Zhiyong, Sluijter Joost P G, van Mil Alain 1 Jan 2015, In: Mini-reviews in medicinal chemistry. 15 , p. 441-451 11 p.

MicroRNA-132/212 family promotes arteriogenesis by prolonging Ras-MAPK signaling

Lei Z., Brandt M. M., Van Mil A., Grundmann S., Smits M., Van Middelaar B., Fukao T., Cheng C., Doevendans P., Sluijter J. P. G., Sluijter Joost P.G. 15 Jul 2014, In: Cardiovascular Research. 103 1 p.

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