
dr. ing. I. van Kuijsten

dr. ing. I. van Kuijsten

Associate Professor

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Research Output (166)

Calmodulin/CaMKII inhibition improves intercellular communication and impulse propagation in the heart and is antiarrhythmic under conditions when fibrosis is absent

Takanari Hiroki, Bourgonje Vincent J A, Fontes Magda S C, Raaijmakers Antonia J A, Driessen Helen, Jansen John A., Van Der Nagel Roel, Kok Bart, Van Stuijvenberg Leonie, Boulaksil Mohamed, Takemoto Yoshio, Yamazaki Masatoshi, Tsuji Yukiomi, Honjo Haruo, Kamiya Kaichiro, Kodama Itsuo, Anderson Mark E., Van Der Heyden Marcel A G, Van Rijen Harold V M, van Veen AAB, Vos Marc A. 1 Sep 2016, In: Cardiovascular Research. 111 , p. 410-421 12 p.

Cardiac progenitor cells posses a molecular circadian clock and display large 24-hour oscillations in proliferation and stress tolerance

Du Pre B., Feyen D. A. M., Demkes E. J., Dierickx P. J., Doevendans P. A., Vos M. A., Van Veen A. A. B., Van Laake L. W. 1 Jul 2016, In: Cardiovascular Research. 111 , p. S18-S18

Spatial Heterogeneity of Cx43 is an Arrhythmogenic Substrate of Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardias during Compensated Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats

Boulaksil Mohamed, Bierhuizen MFA, Engelen Markus A, Stein Mèra, Kok Bart J M, van Amersfoorth Shirley C M, Vos Marc A, van Rijen Harold V M, de Bakker Jacques M T, van Veen AAB 2016, In: Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine. 3

Prolonged Electromechanical Interval Unmasks Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy in the Subclinical Stage

Mast Thomas P, Teske Arco J, Te Riele Anneline Sjm, Groeneweg Judith A, Van Der Heijden Jeroen F, Velthuis Birgitta K, Loh Peter, Doevendans Pieter A, Van Veen Toon A, Dooijes Dennis, De Bakker Jacques M, Hauer Richard N, Cramer Maarten J 2016, In: Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 27 , p. 303-314 12 p.

A Proteomics Approach to Identify New Putative Cardiac Intercalated Disk Proteins

Soni Siddarth, Raaijmakers Antonia J A, Raaijmakers Linsey M, Damen J Mirjam A, van Stuijvenberg Leonie, Vos Marc A, Heck Albert J R, van Veen AAB, Scholten Arjen 2016, In: PLoS ONE [E]. 11

Towards Creating the Perfect In Vitro Cell Model

Jonsson Malin K B, van Veen AAB, Synnergren Jane, Becker Bruno 2016, In: Stem Cells International. 2016

Circadian rhythms in stem cell biology and function

van Laake LW, Dierickx P, du Pré BC, Feyen DAM, Geijsen Niels, van Veen AAB, Doevendans PAFM 2016, p. 57-78

A Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Comparison of Fetal and Adult Human Cardiac Fibroblasts Reveals Novel Key Transcription Factors in Adult Cardiac Fibroblasts

Jonsson Malin K B, Hartman Robin J.G., Ackers-Johnson Matthew, Tan Wilson L.W., Lim Bing, van Veen Toon A.B., Foo Roger S. 2016, In: JACC: Basic to Translational Science. 1 , p. 590-602 13 p.

CTGF knockout does not affect cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis formation upon chronic pressure overload

Fontes Magda S C, Kessler Elise L, van Stuijvenberg Leonie, Brans Maike A, Falke LL, Kok Bart, Leask Andrew, van Rijen HVM, Vos MA, Goldschmeding Roel, van Veen AAB Nov 2015, In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 88 , p. 82-90 9 p.

Sensing Cardiac Electrical Activity With a Cardiac Myocyte--Targeted Optogenetic Voltage Indicator

Chang Liao Mei-Ling, de Boer Teun P, Mutoh Hiroki, Raad Nour, Richter Claudia, Wagner Eva, Downie Bryan R, Unsöld Bernhard, Arooj Iqra, Streckfuss-Bömeke Katrin, Döker Stephan, Luther Stefan, Guan Kaomei, Wagner Stefan, Lehnart Stephan E, Maier Lars S, Stühmer Walter, Wettwer Erich, van Veen Toon, Morlock Michael M, Knöpfel Thomas, Zimmermann Wolfram-Hubertus 14 Aug 2015, In: Circulation Research. 117 , p. 401-412 12 p.

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