
dr. ing. I. van Kuijsten

dr. ing. I. van Kuijsten

Associate Professor

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Research Output (166)

Cardiac connexins and impulse propagation.

Jansen J.A., van Veen A.A.B., de Bakker J.M.T., van Rijen H.V.M. 2010, In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 48 , p. 76-82 7 p.

Regulatory roles of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in cardiomyocyte apoptosis.

Sohns W., van Veen A.A.B., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2010, In: Current Molecular Medicine. 10 , p. 1-13 13 p.

Longitudinal arrhythmogenic remodelling in a mouse model of longstanding pressure overload.

Boulaksil M., Noorman Maartje, Engelen M.A., van Veen T.A.B., Vos M.A., de Bakker J.M.T., van Rijen H.V.M. 2010, In: Netherlands Heart Journal. 18 , p. 509-515 7 p.

The anti-protozoal drug pentamidine blocks KIR2.x-mediated inward rectifier current by entering the cytoplasmic pore region of the channel.

de Boer T.P., Nalos L., Stary A., Kok G.J.M., Houtman M.J.C., Antoons G., van Veen A.A.B., Beekman H.D.M., de Groot B.L., Opthof T., Rook M.B., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2010, In: British Journal of Pharmacology. 159 , p. 1532-1541 10 p.

Connexin43 Remodeling in Septal Biopsies as a Sensitive Marker for Diagnosing Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy

Noorman Maartje, Hakim Sara, Cox Moniek G., van Rijen Harold V., van der Heyden Marcel A, de Jorge Nicolaas, van der Smagt Jasper J., Vink Aryan, de Weger Roel A., Varro Andras , de Bakker Jacques M., Hauer Richard N., van Veen Toon A. 3 Nov 2009, In: Circulation. 120 , p. S905-S905 1 p.

Selectivity in enrichment of cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunits type I and type II and their interactors using modified cAMP affinity resins

Aye T.T., Mohammed S., van den Toorn H.W.P., van Veen T.A.B., van der Heyden M.A.G., Scholten A., Heck A.J.R. 2009, In: Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 8 , p. 1016-1028 13 p.

Improvement of cardiac efficacy and safety models in drug discovery by the use of stem cell derived cardiomyocytes.

Jonsson M.K.B., van Veen A.A.B., Goumans M.J., Vos M.A., Duker G., Sartipy P. 2009, In: Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 4 , p. 357-372 16 p.

Combined reduction of intercellular coupling and membrane excitability differentially affects transverse and longitudinal cardiac conduction.

Stein M., van Veen T.A.B., Remme C.A., Boulaksil M., Noorman Maartje, van Stuijvenberg L., van der Nagel R., Bezzina C.R., Hauer R.N.W., de Bakker J.M.T., van Rijen H.V.M. 2009, In: Cardiovascular Research. 83 , p. 52-60 9 p.

The cardiac sodium channel displays differential distribution in the conduction system and transmural heterogeneity in the murine ventricular myocardium

Remme C.A., Verkerk A.O., Hoogaars W.M.H., Aanhanen W.T.J., Scicluna B.P., Annink C., van den Hoff M.J., Wilde A.A.M., van Veen A.A.B., Veldkamp M.W., de Bakker J.M.T., Christoffels V.M., Bezzina C.R. 2009, In: Basic Research in Cardiology. 104 , p. 511-522 12 p.

Rewiring the heart: stem cell therapy to restore normal cardiac excitability and conduction.

Blank A.C., van Veen A.A.B., Jonsson M.K.B., Zelen J.S.J., Strengers J.L.M., de Boer T.P., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2009, In: Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 4 , p. 23-33 11 p.

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