
dr. ing. I. van Kuijsten

dr. ing. I. van Kuijsten

Associate Professor

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Research Output (166)

Exciting treatment of reentrant arrhythmias

van Rijen H.V.M., de Bakker J.M.T., van Veen A.A.B. 2011, In: Cardiovascular Research. 89 , p. 4-5 2 p.

In-depth quantitative cardiac proteomics combining electron transfer dissociation and the metalloendopeptidase Lys-N with the SILAC mouse.

Scholten A., Mohammed S., Low T.Y., Zanivan S., van Veen A.A.B., Delanghe B., Heck A.J.R. 2011, In: Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 10 , p. O111.008474 1 p.

Fibrosis and cardiac arrhythmias.

de Jong S., van Veen A.A.B., van Rijen H.V.M., de Bakker J.M.T. 2011, In: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 57 , p. 630-638 9 p.

Epigenetics: DNA demethylation promotes skeletal myotube maturation.

Hupkes M., Jonsson M.K.B., Scheenen W.J.J.M., van Rotterdam W., Sotoca A.M., van Someren E.P., van der Heyden M.A.G., van Veen A.A.B., van Ravestein-van Os R.I., Bauerschmidt S., Piek E., Ypey D.L., van Zoelen E.J.J., Dechering K.J. 2011, In: FASEB Journal. 25 , p. 3861-3872 12 p.

Reorganized PKA-AKAP Associations in the Failing Human Heart

Aye Thin Thin, Soni Siddarth, van Veen Toon, van der Heyden Marcel, Varro Andras, de Weger Roel, de Jonge Nicolaas, Vos Marc, Heck Albert, Scholten Arjen 23 Nov 2010, In: Circulation. 122 2 p.

The anti-protozoal drug pentamidine blocks K <sub>IR</sub>2.x-mediated inward rectifier current by entering the cytoplasmic pore region of the channel:Research paper

De Boer Tp, Nalos L., Stary A., Kok B., Houtman Mjc, Antoons G., Van Veen Tab, Beekman Jdm, De Groot Bl, Opthof T., Rook Mb, Vos Ma, Van Der Heyden Mag 1 Apr 2010, In: British Journal of Pharmacology. 159 , p. 1532-1541 10 p.

Human cardiomyocyte progenitor cell-derived cardiomyocytes display a maturated electrical phenotype

de Boer T.P., van Veen A.A.B., Jonsson M.K.B., Kok G.J.M., Metz C.H.G., Sluijter J.P.G., Doevendans P.A.F.M., de Bakker J.M.T., Goumans M.J., van der Heyden M.A.G. Jan 2010, In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 48 , p. 254-260 7 p.

Foetal and adult cardiomyocyte progenitor cells have different developmental potential.

van Vliet P., Smits A.M., de Boer T.P., Korfage T.H., Metz C.H.G., Roccio M., van der Heyden M.A.G., van Veen A.A.B., Sluijter J.P.G., Doevendans P.A.F.M., Goumans M.J. 2010, In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 14 , p. 861-870 10 p.

Reduction of fibrosis-related arrhythmias by chronic renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors in an aged mouse model..

Stein M., Boulaksil M., Jansen J.A., Herold E., Noorman Maartje, Joles J.A., van Veen T.A.B., Houtman M.J.C., Engelen M.A., Hauer R.N.W., de Bakker J.M.T., van Rijen H.V.M. 2010, In: American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 299 , p. H310-H321 12 p.

Selective deletion of Connexin 40 in renin-producing cells impairs renal baroreceptor function and is associated with arterial hypertension.

Wagner C., Jobs A., Schweda F., Kurtz L., Kurt B., Lopez M.L., Gomez R.A., van Veen T.A.B., de Wit C., Kurtz A. 2010, In: Kidney International. 78 , p. 762-768 7 p.

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