
prof. dr. ir. B.C.C. van der Luttikhuizen

prof. dr. ir. B.C.C. van der Luttikhuizen

Associate Professor

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Research Output (150)

Mesenchymal stem cells repair conduction block.

van Veen A.A.B., de Bakker J.M.T., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2006, In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 48 , p. 219-220 2 p.

Inhibition of cardiomyocyte automaticity by electrotonic application of inward rectifier current from Kir2.1 expressing cells.

de Boer T.P., van Veen A.A.B., Houtman M.J.C., Jansen J.A., van Amersfoorth S.C.M., Doevendans P.A.F.M., Vos M.A., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2006, In: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 44 , p. 537-542 6 p.

Pro-arrhythmogenic potential of immature cardiomyocytes is triggered by low coupling and cluster size.

de Boer T.P., van der Heyden M.A.G., Rook M.B., Wilders R., Broekstra R., Kok G.J.M., Vos M.A., de Bakker J.M.T., van Veen A.A.B. 2006, In: Cardiovascular Research. 71 , p. 704-714 11 p.

Cloning, embryonic expression, and functional characterization of two novel connexins from Xenopus laevis.

de Boer T.P., Kok G.J.M., Roël G., van Veen A.A.B., Destree O.H.J., Rook M.B., Vos M.A., de Bakker J.M.T., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2006, In: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 349 , p. 855-862 8 p.

Molecular aspects of adrenergic modulation of cardiac L-type Ca <sup>2+</sup> channels

Van Der Heyden Marcel A.G., Wijnhoven Tessa J.M., Opthof Tobias 1 Jan 2005, In: Cardiovascular research. 65 , p. 28-39 12 p.

Cloning and functional characterization of a novel connexin expressed in somites of Xenopus laevis.

de Boer T.P., Kok B., Neuteboom K.I., Spieker N., de Graaf J., Destree O.H.J., Rook M.B., van Veen A.A.B., Jongsma H.J., Vos M.A., de Bakker J.M.T., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2005, In: Developmental Dynamics. 233 , p. 864-871 8 p.

Molecular aspects of adrenergic modulation of cardiac L-type Ca2+ channels.

van der Heyden M.A.G., Wijnhoven T.J.M., Opthof T. 2005, In: Cardiovascular Research. 65 , p. 28-39 12 p.

Culturing and differentiation of embryonic and adult stem cells for heart research and transplantation therapy.

van der Heyden M.A.G., Rozemuller H. 2005, p. 592-609 18 p.

Role of the autonomic nervous system. Exclusion or targeting?

Opthof T., Veldkamp M.W., Wilders R., van der Heyden M.A.G., Taggart P., Coronel R. 2005, p. 71-84 14 p.

Xenopus connexins: how frogs bridge the gap.

de Boer T.P., van der Heyden M.A.G. 2005, In: Differentiation; Research in Biological Diversity. 73 , p. 330-340 11 p.

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