
dr. S.A.W. (R.H.) Sluijter BSc

dr. S.A.W. (R.H.) Sluijter BSc

Full Professor

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Research Output (144)

Chromosome segregation errors as a cause of DNA damage and structural chromosome aberrations.

Janssen A., van der Burg M., Szuhai K., Kops G.J.P.L., Medema R.H. 2011, In: Science. 333 , p. 1895-1898 4 p.

Protein phosphatase 2A (B55α) prevents premature activation of forkhead transcription factor FoxM1 by antagonizing cyclin A/cyclin-dependent kinase-mediated phosphorylation.

Alvarez Fernandez M., Halim V.A.H., Aprelia M., Mohammed S., Medema R.H. 2011, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286 , p. 33029-33036 8 p.

Cytosolic FoxO1: alive and killing

Medema R.H., Jaattela M. 2010, In: Nature Cell Biology. 12 , p. 642-643 2 p.

Structure of the FoxM1 DNA-recognition domain bound to a promoter sequence.

Littler D.R., Alvarez Fernandez M., Stein A., Hibbert R.G., Heidebrecht T., Aloy P., Medema R.H., Perrakis A. 2010, In: Nucleic Acids Research. 38 , p. 4527-4538 12 p.

Mechanisms of centrosome separation and bipolar spindle assembly.

Tanenbaum M.E., Medema R.H. 2010, In: Developmental Cell. 19 , p. 797-806 10 p.

The APC/C recruits cyclin B1-Cdk1-Cks in prometaphase before D box recognition to control mitotic exit.

van Zon W., Ogink J., van der Riet B., Medema R.H., te Riele H., Wolthuis R.M.F. 2010, In: Journal of Cell Biology. 190 , p. 587-602 16 p.

Cyclin G-associated kinase promotes microtubule outgrowth from chromosomes during spindle assembly.

Tanenbaum M.E., Vallenius T., Geers E.F., Greene L., Makela t.P., Medema R.H. 2010, In: Chromosoma. 119 , p. 415-424 10 p.

Wip1 phosphatase is associated with chromatin and dephosphorylates gammaH2AX to promote checkpoint inhibition.

Macurek L., Lindqvist A., Voets O., Kool J., Vos H.R., Medema R.H. 2010, In: Oncogene. 29 , p. 2281-2291 11 p.

Shared and separate functions of polo-like kinases and aurora kinases in cancer.

Lens S.M.A., Voest E.E., Medema R.H. 2010, In: Nature Reviews Cancer. 10 , p. 825-841 17 p.

Liver surgery induces an immediate mobilization of progenitor cells in liver cancer patients: A potential role for G-CSF.

Langenberg M.H.G., Nijkamp M.W., Roodhart J.M.L., Snoeren N., Tang T., Shaked Y., van Hillegersberg R., Witteveen P.O., Vermaat J.S.P., Kranenburg O.W., Kerbel R.S., Medema R.H., Borel Rinkes I.H.M., Voest E.E. 2010, In: Cancer Biology & Therapy. 9 , p. 742-747 6 p.

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