
dr. ir. N.O.O. Schuppen

dr. ir. N.O.O. Schuppen

Full Professor

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Research Output (214)

The safety and efficacy of a new 20-mm lumen apposing metal stent (lams) for the endoscopic treatment of pancreatic and peripancreatic fluid collections:a large international, multicenter study

Anderloni Andrea, Fabbri Carlo, Nieto Jose, Uwe Will, Dollhopf Markus, Aparicio José Ramón, Perez-Miranda Manuel, Tarantino Ilaria, Arlt Alexander, Vleggaar Frank, Vanbiervliet Geoffrey, Hampe Jochen, Kahaleh Michel, Vila Juan J, Dayyeh Barham K Abu, Storm Andrew C, Fugazza Alessandro, Binda Cecilia, Charachon Antoine, Sevilla-Ribota Sergio, Tyberg Amy, Robert Moran, Wani Sachin, Repici Alessandro, Sethi Amrita, Khashab Mouen A, Kunda Rastislav 2020, In: Surgical endoscopy. 35 , p. 1741-1748 8 p.

Pain patterns in chronic pancreatitis:a nationwide longitudinal cohort study

Kempeneers Marinus A, Issa Yama, Verdonk Robert C, Bruno Marco, Fockens P, van Goor Harry, Alofs Eline, Bollen Thomas L, Bouwense Stefan, van Dalen Anne S H M, van Dieren Susan, van Dullemen Hendrik M, van Geenen Erwin-Jan, Hoge Chantal, van Hooft Jeanin E, Kager Liesbeth M, Keulemans Yolande, Nooijen Lynn E, Poley Jan-Werner, Seerden Tom C J, Tan Adriaan, Thijs Willem, Timmer Robin, Vleggaar Frank, Witteman Ben, Ahmed Ali Usama, Besselink Marc G, Boermeester Marja A, van Santvoort Hjalmar C, 2020, In: Gut. 70 , p. 1724-1733 10 p.

Endoscopically removed rectal NETs:a nationwide cohort study

Kuiper Teaco, van Oijen M G H, van Velthuysen M F, van Lelyveld N, van Leerdam M E, Vleggaar F D, Klümpen H J 2020, In: International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 36 , p. 535-541 7 p.

Endoscopic ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration for the detection of residual nodal disease after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer

van der Bogt Ruben D, van der Wilk Berend J, Poley Jan-Werner, Krishnadath Kausilia K, Schoon Erik J, Oostenbrug Liekele E, Siersema Peter D, Vleggaar Frank P, Bruno Marco J, Biermann Katharina, van Lanschot J Jan B, Spaander Manon C W 9 Dec 2019, In: Endoscopy. 52 , p. 186-192 7 p.

Forskolin-induced swelling of intestinal organoids correlates with disease severity in adults with cystic fibrosis and homozygous F508del mutations

de Winter-de Groot Karin M, Berkers Gitte, Marck-van der Wilt Rozemarijn E P, van der Meer Renske, Vonk Annelotte, Dekkers Johanna F, Geerdink Margot, Michel Sabine, Kruisselbrink Evelien, Vries Rob, Clevers Hans, Vleggaar Frank P, Elias Sjoerd G, Heijerman Harry G M, van der Ent Cornelis K, Beekman Jeffrey M 14 Nov 2019, In: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 19 , p. 614-619 6 p.

Tumor Seeding During Colonoscopy as a Possible Cause for Metachronous Colorectal Cancer

Backes Yara, Seerden Tom C.J., van Gestel Rosanne S.F.E., Kranenburg Onno, Ubink Inge, Schiffelers Raymond M., van Straten Demian, van der Capellen Malu S., van de Weerd Simone, de Leng Wendy W.J., Siersema Peter D., Offerhaus G. Johan A., Morsink Folkert H., Ramphal Winesh, Terhaar Sive Droste Jochiim, van Lent Anja U.G., Geesing Joost M.J., Vleggaar Frank P., Elias Sjoerd G., Lacle Miangela M., Moons Leon M.G. 1 Nov 2019, In: Gastroenterology. 157 , p. 1222-1232.e4

Reply to Dong et al

Walter Daisy, van den Berg Maarten W, Hirdes Meike M, Vleggaar Frank P, Repici Alessandro, Deprez Pierre H, Viedma Bartolomé L, Lovat Laurence B, Weusten Bas L, Bisschops Raf, Haidry Rehan, Ferrara Elisa, Sanborn Keith J, O'Leary Erin E, van Hooft Jeanin E, Siersema Peter D Jul 2019, In: Endoscopy. 51 , p. 700

Well-differentiated Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor in a Patient With Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome (FAMMM)

Noë Michaël, Hackeng Wenzel M, de Leng Wendy W J, Vergeer Menno, Vleggaar Frank P, Morsink Folkert H M, Wood Laura D, Hruban Ralph H, Offerhaus G Johan A, Brosens Lodewijk A A 28 Jun 2019, In: American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 43 , p. 1297-1302 6 p.

Resting State EEG Characteristics During Sedation With Midazolam or Propofol in Older Subjects

Numan Tianne, van Dellen Edwin, Vleggaar Frank P, van Vlieberghe Paul, Stam Cornelis J, Slooter Arjen J C 20 May 2019, In: Clinical EEG and neuroscience. 50 , p. 436-443 8 p.

Independent root-cause analysis of contributing factors, including dismantling of 2 duodenoscopes, to investigate an outbreak of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae

Rauwers Arjan W, Troelstra Annet, Fluit Ad C, Wissink Camiel, Loeve Arjo J, Vleggaar Frank P, Bruno Marco J, Vos Margreet C, Bode Lonneke G M, Monkelbaan Jan F 15 May 2019, In: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 90 , p. 793-804 12 p.

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