
prof. drs. H.I. (Martijn) Schakelaar

prof. drs. H.I. (Martijn) Schakelaar

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (105)

Quantitative muscle MRI captures early muscle degeneration in calpainopathy

Forsting Johannes, Rohm Marlena, Froeling Martijn, Güttsches Anne-Katrin, Südkamp Nicolina, Roos Andreas, Vorgerd Matthias, Schlaffke Lara, Rehmann Robert 16 Nov 2022, In: Scientific Reports. 12

Confirmatory factor analysis including MRI-derived adipose tissues quantification improves associations of metabolic dysregulation to diastolic dysfunction

Klarenberg Hugo, Dekkers Ilona A, Peeters Carel F W, de Mutsert R, Jukema J Wouter, Rosendaal Frits R, Leiner Tim, Gosselink Mark, Froeling Martijn, Strijkers Gustav J, Boekholdt S Matthijs, Lamb Hildo J 21 Apr 2022, In: Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 36

Dynamic Contrast-enhanced and Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Response Evaluation After Single-Dose Ablative Neoadjuvant Partial Breast Irradiation

Vasmel Jeanine E., Groot Koerkamp Maureen L., Mandija Stefano, Veldhuis Wouter B., Moman Maaike R., Froeling Martijn, van der Velden Bas H.M., Charaghvandi Ramona K., Vreuls Celien P.H., van Diest Paul J., van Leeuwen A. M.Gijs, van Gorp Joost, Philippens Marielle E.P., van Asselen Bram, Lagendijk Jan J.W., Verkooijen Helena M., van den Bongard H. J.G.Desirée, Houweling Antonetta C. 1 Mar 2022, In: Advances in Radiation Oncology. 7 , p. 1-11

The relationship between quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of the ankle plantar flexors, muscle function during walking and maximal strength in people with neuromuscular diseases

Waterval N F J, Meekes V L, Hooijmans M T, Froeling M, Jaspers R T, Oudeman J, Nederveen A J, Brehm M A, Nollet F 1 Mar 2022, In: Clinical biomechanics. 94 , p. 1-7

Residual quadrupolar couplings observed in 7 Tesla deuterium MR spectra of skeletal muscle

Gursan Ayhan, Froeling Martijn, Hendriks Arjan D., Welting Dimitri, Kentgens Arno P.M., Klomp Dennis W.J., Prompers Jeanine J. Mar 2022, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 87 , p. 1165-1173 9 p.

Dynamic brain ADC variations over the cardiac cycle and their relation to tissue strain assessed with DENSE at high-field MRI

Sloots Jacob-Jan, Froeling Martijn, Biessels Geert Jan, Zwanenburg Jaco J M 2022, In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 88 , p. 266-279 14 p.

3d automated segmentation of lower leg muscles using machine learning on a heterogeneous dataset

Rohm Marlena, Markmann Marius, Forsting Johannes, Rehmann Robert, Froeling Martijn, Schlaffke Lara Oct 2021, In: Diagnostics. 11 , p. 1-15

High inter-rater reliability of manual segmentation and volume-based tractography in healthy and dystrophic human calf muscle

Forsting Johannes, Rohm Marlena, Froeling Martijn, Güttsches Anne Katrin, Vorgerd Matthias, Schlaffke Lara, Rehmann Robert Sep 2021, In: Diagnostics. 11 , p. 1-13

Cardiac Biomarker Kinetics and Their Association With Magnetic Resonance Measures of Cardiomyocyte Integrity Following a Marathon Run:Implications for Postexercise Biomarker Testing

Aengevaeren Vincent L, van Kimmenade Roland R J, Ordóñez-Llanos Jordi, García-Osuna Álvaro, Kaier Thomas E, Marber Michael, Froeling Martijn, van den Berg-Faay Sandra, Hooijmans Melissa T, Monte Jithsa R, Hopman Maria T E, Strijkers Gustav J, Nederveen Aart J, Bakermans Adrianus J, Eijsvogels Thijs M H 6 Jul 2021, In: Journal of the American Heart Association. 10 , p. e020039 4 p.

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