
dr. ing. S.T. Keuning - SF

dr. ing. S.T. Keuning - SF

Associate Professor - medical

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Research Output (73)

Laparoscopy to predict the result of primary cytoreductive surgery in patients with advanced ovarian cancer:A randomized controlled trial

Rutten Marianne J., Van Meurs Hannah S., Van De Vrie Roelien, Naaktgeboren Christiana A., Fons Guus, Opmeer Brent C., Spijkerboer Anjem, Bossuyt Patrick M M, Kenter Gemma G., Buist Marrije R., Gaarenstroom Katja N., Van Gorp Toon, Brugge Henk G Ter, Hofhuis Ward, Schreuder Henk W R, Van Haaften Maarten, Arts Henriette J G, Zusterzeel Petra L M, Pijnenborg Johanna M A, Vos M. Caroline, Engelen Mirjam J A, Boss Erik A., Gerestein Kees G., Schutter Eltjo M J, Mol Ben Willem 20 Feb 2017, In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 35 , p. 613-621 9 p.

Bedside Ultrasound Confirmation of Incisional Port Hernia

Kremer Tessa M., Kizilates Ufuk, Zweemer RP, Schreuder Henk, Rijken Marcus J. Feb 2017, In: Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 24 , p. 190 1 p.

Current training on the basics of robotic surgery in the Netherlands: Time for a multidisciplinary approach?

Brinkman Willem, de Angst Isabel, Schreuder Henk, Schout Barbara, Draaisma Werner, Verweij Lisanne, Hendrikx Ad, van der Poel Henk Jan 2017, In: Surgical Endoscopy. 31 , p. 281-287

Face- and Content Validity of a New Portable Tablet Box Trainer for Training Laparoscopic Skills at Home

Aa JVD, Schraffordt Koops S, Santbrink E V, Schreuder H 30 Sep 2016, In: Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 22 , p. S41-S42

A New Virtual Reality Training Module for Laparoscopic Surgical Skills and Equipment Handling:Can Multitasking Be Trained? A Randomized Controlled Trial

Bongers P J, Van Hove D, Stassen L P, Dankelman J, Schreuder H W 30 Sep 2016, In: Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 22 , p. S32

Hysteroscopic Resection of a Placental Site Trophoblastic Nodule With a Hysteroscopic Tissue Removal System

Veersema S, Schreuder H, Verheijen R 30 Sep 2016, In: Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 22 , p. S142

Single benign metastasising leiomyoma of an inguinal lymph node.

Laban KG, Tobon-Morales Roberto, Hodge Janice, Schreuder HWR 10 Aug 2016, In: BMJ Case Reports [E]. 2016

Vaccination against Oncoproteins of HPV16 for Noninvasive Vulvar/Vaginal Lesions:Lesion Clearance Is Related to the Strength of the T-Cell Response

van Poelgeest Mariëtte I E, Welters Marij J P, Vermeij Renee, Stynenbosch Linda F M, Loof Nikki M, Berends-van der Meer Dorien M A, Löwik Margriet J G, Hamming Ineke L E, van Esch Edith M G, Hellebrekers Bart W J, van Beurden Marc, Schreuder Henk W, Kagie Marjolein J, Trimbos J Baptist M Z, Fathers Lorraine M, Daemen Toos, Hollema Harry, Valentijn A Rob P M, Oostendorp Jaap, Oude Elberink J Hanneke N G, Fleuren Gertjan J, Bosse Tjalling, Kenter Gemma G, Stijnen Theo, Nijman Hans W, Melief Cornelis J M, van der Burg Sjoerd H May 2016, In: Clinical Cancer Research. 22 , p. 2342-2350 9 p.

Twelve-year retrospective review of unintended pregnancies after Essure sterilization in the Netherlands

Hitzerd Emilie, Schreuder Henk W R, Vleugels Michel P H, Veersema Sebastiaan 1 Apr 2016, In: Fertility and Sterility. 105 , p. 932-937 6 p.

Training Laparoscopic Skills at Home:Residents' Opinion of a New Portable Tablet Box Trainer

van der Aa JE, Schreuder HWR 12 Oct 2015, In: Surgical Innovation. 23 , p. 196-200 4 p.

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