ir. O. Kaagman
ir. O. Kaagman
- Gastroenterology & Hepatology research 1
- Onderzoek
Research Programs
Edward Nieuwenhuis, pediatrician, obtained a PhD in mucosal immunology (Prof. Blumberg, Harvard University and Prof. Heijnen, Utrecht University). He became a paediatric gastroenterologist, focusing on the innate immunesystem in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. His work includes the development of a enterocolitis model in Zebrafish. His current research focuses on IBD, somatic stemcells, epithelial biology and genetics.
In 2009, Edward Nieuwenhuis was appointed as Chairman of the Paediatrics Division of the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht , The Netherlands. In 2010, he was also appointed as Chairman of the leading program (speerpunt) Child Health of the University Medical Center Utrecht.
During this period, the Hospital has established strong alliances with medical centers and research institutes in the Netherlands (e.g. Maxima, national center for pediatric oncology, Hubrecht institute for developmental biology & stem cell research) and abroad (e.g. Boston Children’s, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe, Medellin).
His goal is to build an integrated academic Children’s Hospital which provides health care, medical training and science of excellent standards.
Side Activities
List extracurricular scientific activities (editorial boards, committees, juries, memberships, conferences, etc.) |
2016- Member Advocacy committee on Child Health, Dutch Society of Pediatrics 2016- Member Advisory Board of the Utrecht University Hospital, Chairing Patient management 2016- Head collaboration program Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital and Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellin, Colombia 2016-2018 Member of the Board of Supervision Youth Protection Brabant, The Netherlands 2015- Staff scientist at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School 2011-2015 Medical Advisor Health Council of the Netherlands (RGO) 2019- Training and accreditation in family constellations (Phoenix training programs, the Netherlands) 2010-juli 2015 Chairman and founder leading program ‘Child Health’, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital/UMC, Utrecht
1992-1993 Student member faculty board, Medical School, University of Amsterdam 1992-1993 Electoral Committee for Associate professors, Medical School, University of Amsterdam 1997-1998 Reorganizational Committee, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht 2003 Internal member of the site visit committee for the application for renewal of the Post Graduate School of Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam 2003 Chair CD1-NKT session 12th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Boston, USA 2004-2009 Research Committee Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam 2005-2009 Working Group Pediatric Allergic Diseases 2006-2009 Chairman Committee on Clinical Nutrition Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital 2006-2009 Consultant for the International Immunity Advisory Board of Royal Numico 2006-2009 Member Steering Committee for the Masters of Science program ‘Infection and Immunity’, Erasmus University, Rotterdam 2007-2011 Scientific Advisor Committee for primary child care in the Netherlands 2008-2009 Board member, MRACE, Erasmus University advisory committee 2008-2014 Founder, CEO & CSO LipImmune 2010- Member of the Board, Wilhelmina Research Fund, Utrecht 2009 Member of the Local Board, Ronald McDonald House, Utrecht 2010-2015 Scientific Advisor Nutricia 2010-2015 Scientific Advisor Friso 2011-2013 Scientific Advisor International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Paris, France 2011-2015 Medical Advisor Health Council of the Netherlands (RGO) 2011-2015 Editor-in-Chief Pediatric Journal ‘Kinderarts & Wetenschap’ (Pediatrician & Science) 2011- Chief Editor ‘Leerboek Kindergeneeskunde’ (Pediatrics, Dutch manual) 2021- Steering Committee AWOZ (Academische Werkplaats Ouderenzorg Zeeland) |
Research Output (137)
Kok Gautam, Tseng Laura, Schene Imre F., Dijsselhof Monique E., Salomons Gajja, Mendes Marisa I., Smith Desiree E.C., Wiedemann Arnaud, Canton Marie, Feillet François, de Koning Tom J., Boothe Megan, Dean Joy, Kassel Rachel, Ferreira Elise A., van den Born Margreet, Nieuwenhuis Edward E.S., Rehmann Holger, Terheggen-Lagro Suzanne W.J., van Karnebeek Clara D.M., Fuchs Sabine A. Nov 2021, In: Genetics in Medicine. 23 , p. 2202-2207 6 p.
van Rijn Jorik M, van Hoesel Marliek, de Heus Cecilia, van Vugt Anke H M, Klumperman Judith, Nieuwenhuis Edward E S, Houwen Roderick H J, Middendorp Sabine 6 Oct 2021, In: Journal of Lipid Research. 62 , p. 1-1
Soeteman Marijn, Kappen Teus H, van Engelen Martine, Kilsdonk Ellen, Koomen Erik, Nieuwenhuis Edward E S, Tissing Wim J E, Fiocco Marta, van den Heuvel-Eibrink Marry, Wösten-van Asperen Roelie M 19 May 2021, In: BMJ Open. 11 8 p.
van Dooijeweert Birgit, Broeks Melissa H, van Beers Eduard J, Verhoeven-Duif Nanda M, van Solinge Wouter W, Nieuwenhuis Edward E S, Jans Judith J, van Wijk Richard, Bartels Marije 17 May 2021, In: British Journal of Haematology. 193 , p. 1185-1193 9 p.
Van Dooijeweert Birgit, Broeks Melissa H., Verhoeven-Duif Nanda M., Van Solinge Wouter W., Van Beers Eduard J., Rab Minke A.E., Nieuwenhuis Edward E.S., Jans Judith J.M., Bartels Marije, Van Wijk Richard 2021, In: HemaSphere. 5 , p. 1-4
Lehmann Vivian, Schene Imre F., Ardisasmita Arif I., Liv Nalan, Veenendaal Tineke, Klumperman Judith, van der Doef Hubert P.J., Verkade Henkjan J., Verstegen Monique M.A., van der Laan Luc J.W., Jans Judith J.M., Verhoeven-Duif Nanda M., van Hasselt Peter M., Nieuwenhuis Edward E.S., Spee Bart, Fuchs Sabine A. 2021, In: Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 45 , p. 353-365 13 p.
Schene Imre F, Joore Indi P, Oka Rurika, Mokry Michal, van Vugt Anke H M, van Boxtel Ruben, van der Doef Hubert P J, van der Laan Luc J W, Verstegen Monique M A, van Hasselt Peter M, Nieuwenhuis Edward E S, Fuchs Sabine A 1 Dec 2020, In: Nature Communications. 11
Bartels Bart, de Groot Janke F., Habets Laura E., Wadman Renske I., Asselman Fay Lynn, Nieuwenhuis Edward E.S., van Eijk Ruben P.A., Goedee H. Stephan, van der Pol W. Ludo 20 Nov 2020, In: Neurology. 96 , p. e845-e852
van Rijn Jorik M, Werner Lael, Aydemir Yusuf, Spronck Joey M A, Pode-Shakked Ben, van Hoesel Marliek, Shimshoni Elee, Polak-Charcon Sylvie, Talmi Liron, Eren Makbule, Weiss Batia, H J Houwen Roderick, Barshack Iris, Somech Raz, Nieuwenhuis Edward E S, Sagi Irit, Raas-Rothschild Annick, Middendorp Sabine, Shouval Dror S 1 Nov 2020, In: International journal of molecular sciences. 21 , p. 1-18 18 p.
Van Dooijeweert Birgit, Broeks Melissa H, Verhoeven-Duif Nanda M, Van Beers Eduard J, Nieuwenhuis Edward E S, Van Solinge Wouter W, Bartels Marije, Jans Judith J, Van Wijk Richard 10 Sep 2020, In: Haematologica. Online ahead of print , p. 1-20