
dr. ir. F.G.G. Houte

dr. ir. F.G.G. Houte

Full Professor

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Research Output (204)

Multiscale modelling and homogenisation of fibre-reinforced hydrogels for tissue engineering

Chen M. J., Kimpton L. S., Whiteley J. P., Castilho M., Malda J., Please C. P., Waters S. L., Byrne H. M. 1 Jan 2018, In: European Journal of Applied Mathematics. 31 , p. 143-171

Spectroscopic evaluation of post-traumatic osteoarthritis in Shetland ponies

Sarin Jaakko K., te Moller Nikae, Brommer Harold, van Weeren Rene´, Mancini Irina, Malda Jos, Afara Isaac O., To¨yräs Juha 1 Jan 2018, Part F90-OTS 2018

Bio-resin for high resolution lithography-based biofabrication of complex cell-laden constructs

Levato Riccardo, Costa Pedro F, Castilho Miguel D, Alcala-Orozco Cesar R, van Dorenmalen Kim M A, Melchels Ferry P W, Gawlitta Debby, Hooper Gary J, Malda Jos, Woodfield Tim B F 2018, In: Biofabrication. 10 , p. 034101

Ex vivo model unravelling cell distribution effect in hydrogels for cartilage repair

Mouser Vivian H M, Dautzenberg Noël M M, Levato Riccardo, van Rijen Mattie H P, Dhert Wouter J A, Malda Jos, Gawlitta Debby 2018, In: ALTEX. 35 , p. 65-76

Assessing bioink shape fidelity to aid material development in 3D bioprinting

Ribeiro A., Blokzijl M. M., Levato R., Visser C. W., Castilho M., Hennink W. E., Vermonden T., Malda J. 30 Nov 2017, In: Biofabrication. 10

Double printing of hyaluronic acid/poly(glycidol) hybrid hydrogels with poly(ε-caprolactone) for MSC chondrogenesis

Stichler Simone, Böck Thomas, Paxton Naomi, Bertlein Sarah, Levato Riccardo, Schill Verena, Smolan Willi, Malda Jos, Teßmar Jörg, Blunk Torsten, Groll Jürgen 14 Nov 2017, In: Biofabrication. 9

Fixation of Hydrogel Constructs for Cartilage Repair in the Equine Model:A Challenging Issue

Mancini Irina A.D., Vindas Bolaños Rafael A., Brommer Harold, Castilho Miguel, Ribeiro Alexandro, Van Loon Johannes P.A.M., Mensinga Anneloes, Van Rijen Mattie H.P., Malda Jos, van Weeren P. René 1 Nov 2017, In: Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods. 23 , p. 804-814 11 p.

The bio in the ink:cartilage regeneration with bioprintable hydrogels and articular cartilage-derived progenitor cells

Levato Riccardo, Webb William R, Otto Iris A, Mensinga Anneloes, Zhang Yadan, van Rijen Mattie, van Weeren P. René, Khan Ilyas M., Malda Jos Oct 2017, In: Acta Biomaterialia. 61 , p. 41-53

Melt Electrospinning Writing of Poly-Hydroxymethylglycolide-co-ε-Caprolactone-Based Scaffolds for Cardiac Tissue Engineering

Castilho Miguel, Feyen Dries, Flandes-Iparraguirre María, Hochleitner Gernot, Groll Jürgen, Doevendans Pieter A.F., Vermonden Tina, Ito Keita, Sluijter Joost P.G., Malda Jos Sep 2017, In: Advanced Healthcare Materials. 6

From intricate to integrated:Biofabrication of articulating joints

Groen Wilhelmina Margaretha , Diloksumpan Paweena, van Weeren Paul René, Levato Riccardo, Malda Jos 16 Jun 2017, In: Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 35 , p. 2089-2097 9 p.

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