
dr. ir. F.G.G. Houte

dr. ir. F.G.G. Houte

Full Professor

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Research Output (204)

Zonal chondrocyte subpopulations reacquire zone-specific characteristics during in vitro redifferentiation.

Schuurman W., Gawlitta D., Klein T.J., ten Hoope W., van Rijen M.H.P., Dhert W.J.A., van Weeren P.R., Malda J. 2009, In: American Journal of Sports Medicine. 37 , p. 97S-104S

Combinatorial approaches to controlling cell behaviour and tissue formation in 3D via rapid-prototyping and smart scaffold design.

Woodfield T.B.F., Moroni A., Malda J. 2009, In: Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening. 12 , p. 562-579 18 p.

Strategies for zonal cartilage repair using hydrogels.

Klein T.J., Rizzi S.C., Reichert J.C., Georgi N., Malda J., Schuurman W., Crawford R.W., Hutmacher D.W. 2009, In: Macromolecular Bioscience. 9 , p. 1049-1058 10 p.

Mathematicians in biologists' clothes ... A clarion call for collaboration

Pettet Graeme J., Malda Jos 1 Dec 2008, p. 1-6 6 p.

Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering

Wendt David, Timmins Nicholas, Malda Jos, Janssen Frank, Ratcliffe Anthony, Vunjak-Novakovic Gordana, Martin Ivan 1 Dec 2008, p. 483-506 24 p.

Effects of oxygen on human chondrocyte zonal phenotype

Klein Travis, McCosker Helen, Malda Jos, Upton Zee, Hutmacher Dietmar, Leavesley David 1 Dec 2008, 1 p.

Development of an enhanced proteomic method to detect prognostic and diagnostic markers of healing in chronic wound fluid

Fernandez M. L., Broadbent J. A., Shooter G. K., Malda J., Upton Z. 1 Feb 2008, In: British Journal of Dermatology. 158 , p. 281-290 10 p.

Vitronectin:Growth factor complexes hold potential as a wound therapy approach

Upton Zee, Cuttle Leila, Noble Anthony, Kempf Margit, Topping Gemma, Malda Jos, Xie Yan, Mill Julie, Harkin Damien G., Kravchuk Olena, Leavesley David I., Kimble Roy M. 1 Jan 2008, In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 128 , p. 1535-1544 10 p.

Crossing frontiers in biomaterials and regenerative medicine.

Malda J., Rouwkema J., Leeuwenburgh S.C.G., Dhert W.J.A., Kirkpatrick C. 2008, In: Regenerative Medicine. 3 , p. 765-768 4 p.

Cell Nutrition.

Malda J., Radisic M., Levenberg S., Woodfield T.B.F., Svalander P., Baaijens F.P.T., Vunjak-Novakovic G. 2008,

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