
dr. mr. N.O. (Thomas) Buul

dr. mr. N.O. (Thomas) Buul

Assistant Professor

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Research Output (80)

Current trends in the application of causal inference methods to pooled longitudinal non-randomised data:A protocol for a methodological systematic review

Yeboah Edmund, Mauer Nicole Sibilla, Hufstedler Heather, Carr Sinclair, Matthay Ellicott C., Maxwell Lauren, Rahman Sabahat, Debray Thomas, De Jong Valentijn M.T., Campbell Harlan, Gustafson Paul, Jänisch Thomas, Bärnighausen Till 12 Nov 2021, In: BMJ Open. 11 , p. 1-5

Real-time imputation of missing predictor values improved the application of prediction models in daily practice

Nijman Steven Willem Joost, Groenhof T. Katrien J., Hoogland Jeroen, Bots Michiel L., Brandjes Menno, Jacobs John J.L., Asselbergs Folkert W., Moons Karel G.M., Debray Thomas P.A. Jun 2021, In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 134 , p. 22-34 13 p.

Current trends in the application of causal inference methods to pooled longitudinal observational infectious disease studies—A protocol for a methodological systematic review

Hufstedler Heather, Matthay Ellicott C., Rahman Sabahat, de Jong Valentijn M.T., Campbell Harlan, Gustafson Paul, Debray Thomas, Jaenisch Thomas, Maxwell Lauren, Bärnighausen Till 29 Apr 2021, In: PLoS ONE. 16 , p. 1-7

Internal-external cross-validation helped to evaluate the generalizability of prediction models in large clustered datasets

Takada Toshihiko, Nijman Steven, Denaxas Spiros, Snell Kym I E, Uijl Alicia, Nguyen Tri-Long, Asselbergs Folkert W, Debray Thomas P A 6 Apr 2021, In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 137 , p. 83-91 9 p.

Developing more generalizable prediction models from pooled studies and large clustered data sets

de Jong Valentijn M.T., Moons Karel G.M., Eijkemans Marinus J.C., Riley Richard D., Debray Thomas P.A. 2021, In: Statistics in Medicine. 40 , p. 3533-3559 27 p.

Measurement error in meta-analysis (MEMA)—A Bayesian framework for continuous outcome data subject to non-differential measurement error

Campbell Harlan, de Jong Valentijn M.T., Maxwell Lauren, Jaenisch Thomas, Debray Thomas P.A., Gustafson Paul 2021, In: Research Synthesis Methods. 12 , p. 796-815 20 p.

Prognostic models for chronic kidney disease:a systematic review and external validation

van Rijn Marieke H C, van de Luijtgaarden Moniek, van Zuilen Arjan D, Blankestijn Peter J, Wetzels Jack F M, Debray Thomas P A, van den Brand Jan A J G 14 Oct 2020, In: Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association. 36 , p. 1837-1850 14 p.

The zika virus individual participant data consortium:A global initiative to estimate the effects of exposure to zika virus during pregnancy on adverse fetal, infant, and child health outcomes

Alger Jackeline, De Alencar Ximenes Ricardo Arraes, Avelino-Silva Vivian I., Bardají Azucena, Mojica Carlos Hernan Becerra, Benedetti Andrea, De Lourdes Benamor Teixeira Maria, Bethencourt Sarah, Aburto Victor Hugo Borja, Brant Fátima, Brasil Patrícia, Brickley Elizabeth B., Broutet Nathalie, Buekens Pierre, Cafferata Mariá Luisa, Calvet Guilherme, Campbell Harlan, Carabali Mabel, Chan Derrick, Costa Federico, Da Costa Ferreira Orlando, Coutinho Conrado Milani, Cunha Antonio Jose, Cure Carlos Cure, Damen Johanna A.A., De Jong Valentijn M.T., Debray Thomas P., DeBiasi Roberta L., Diaz-Martinez Luis Alfonso, Duarte Geraldo, Ferriol Diana Mariá, Ganz Jucelia S., Gérardin Patrick, Gilboa Suzanne M., Gonzalez Maritza, Muñiz Concepción Grajales, Gustafson Paul, Sanchez Luz Angela Gutierrez, Guzmán Mariá G., Hofer Cristina, Holband Natanael, Inwani Irene, Jaenisch Thomas, João Esaú, Juliana Amadu, Kara Edna, Kim Caron, Ko Albert I., Koopmans Marion, Moons Karel G.M., 30 Sep 2020, In: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 5 , p. 152-160 8 p.

On the aggregation of published prognostic scores for causal inference in observational studies

Nguyen Tri Long, Collins Gary S., Pellegrini Fabio, Moons Karel G.M., Debray Thomas P.A. 15 May 2020, In: Statistics in Medicine. 39 , p. 1440-1457 18 p.

Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19 infection:systematic review and critical appraisal

Wynants Laure, Van Calster Ben, Bonten Marc M J, Collins Gary S, Debray Thomas P A, de Jong VMT, De Vos Maarten, Haller Maria C, Heinze Georg, Moons Karel G M, Riley Richard D, Schuit Ewoud, Smits Luc J M, Snell Kym I E, Steyerberg Ewout W, Wallisch Christine, van Smeden Maarten 7 Apr 2020, In: BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 369

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